On August 27, Bluestem noted in CBS MN biffs State Fair YCRBYCH story; Bradlee Dean column flogs fake Janet Reno quotation that the station had reported the wrong date for Dean's opening prayer ("last year" rather than 2011) and had reported that the objections to the prayer related to anti-gay content.
In fact, the objections to Dean's prayer stemmed from his questioning of President Obama's faith. The objections to Dean giving the prayer stemmed from his long history of homophobic rants on the air and in public schools.
We also pointed out that calling complaints about the booth "protests" seem off-target, since neither demonstrator nor public petition were in sight on the fair grounds or in the news clip:
Protests? Really? If that's the case, where are the visuals and interviews with the protesters? Readers may recall that when the Minnesota State Fair was glitter-bombed over an anti-gay marriage booth, the protesters weren't shy about identifying themselves to media.
Were emails sent to the newsroom? We don't doubt that. But people coming up to a booth and complaining about a message? Ask the Republican and DFL booth staff if they're subject to "protesters."
Complaining, not protesting, is what's going on here. If it weren't for the general incompetence of the story, Bluestem might imagine that YCR itself trolled the assignment deak with emails "protesting" the booth, a staple at the Fair for years, since that SLAPP lawsuit against Maddow et al has made some reluctant (or unable) to cover the latest outrage.
Now Dean is using those very items to whine about the supposed persecution he received at the hands of the news outlet and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)--although the station allowed his sidekick Jake to assert:
“A lot of people have a definition of what anti-gay means, but I don’t think our group is anti-gay,” said Jake McMillian, a spokesperson for the group.
In the clip below, Dean questions the designation of "hate" while taking advantage of the inaccurate reporting on the content of the prayer and backlash against it to claim victimhood.
He then talks a lot about the repeal of sodomy laws (repeal being a horrible thing) and "homosexuals" being pedophiles (Dean claims), thereby demonstrating the ideas that upset legislators on both sides of the aisle. It's astonishing logic to see criminal convictions of child rapists cited as evidence that male on male child rape goes unpunished.
Minnesota House members were rightly upset that a hater like this ever got to give the opening prayer in the House (designed to bring people together). Dean didn't say anti-gay comments in the prayer; he simply shifted his target to President Obama. It's an added irony to hear Dean whine about having his words misrepresented, since he has no scruples when it comes to using fake quotes from Reno and George Washington.
Nonetheless, his sloppiness doesn't excuse that on the part of professional broadcasters, who've help create a chance for Dean to proclaim his media martyrdom.
Thanks CBS Minnesota!
Here's the new Dean clip, in which he claims no one checks the facts, Bradlee Dean: The Relentless Media at the MN State Fair:
Photo: Bradlee Dean's famous prayer, redacted from the House record after objections to anti-Obama content, as well as the content of his character.
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Why, it's almost as if Mr. Bradley Dean "Bradlee Dean" Smith had planted the seed of this tale with CBS Minnesota just so he could use its overripe and pungent fruit in his fundraising appeals to conservative individuals and groups.
Just call him Little Red Victim Hood.
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Sep 06, 2013 at 09:10 PM