Three Southeast Minnesota residents spoke out on a press call about The People’s EIS Scoping Report: Citizen Comments on the Necessary Scope and Depth of the Environmental Impact Statement on the Minnesota Sands Frac Sand Proposal, a report issued today by the Land Stewardship Project.
The report recommends that an upcoming environmental review of Minnesota Sands LLC, the biggest frac sand mining project ever proposed in southeast Minnesota, must not only examine effect of the 11 connected industrial sand mines on air and water quality anf the local economy, but should also insist on full disclosure of the proposers' business ties and track record.
Marilyn Frauenkron Bayer of Houston County, Vince Ready of Saratoga Township, Winona County, south of Saint Charles, and Bonita Underbakke, of rural Lanesboro in Fillmore County, shared their statements. A pdf is embedded below.
Statements From LSP 9-16-13 Press Conference
Photo: Vince Ready speaks at the state capital before last February's joint committee hearings on frac sand mining. Via Land Stewardship Project post, SE MN Citizens Travel to Capitol to Call for Frac Sand Moratorium & State Regulation.
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