For the third time (at least), Annandale toxic metal preacher Bradlee Dean has trotted out a screed centered around Representative Keith Ellison's faith and leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives LGBT Caucus.
Like so much of Dean's recent schtick, the sensational claim that Ellison's support of equality for LGBT citizens is part of a "stealth jihad" to impose sharia law in the United States is recycled. Bluestem suspects the stale fodder reflects staff reductions down to a skeleton crew at the combined Sons of Liberty Radio/You Can Run ministry.
2013 iteration
In a column at the irrational right site, WND, Congressman both Muslim & pro-gay? Exclusive: Bradlee Dean wonders how Keith Ellison can reconcile support for both groups, Dean writes:
. . . Listen up, America.
If you remember right, in September of 2012, after the Democrats took heat for removing and then reasserting God into their party platform, “lawmaker” Keith Ellison attacked the GOP for banning Shariah Law. He stated, “Why do they want to become the party of hate? They are demonstrating hatred toward Muslims. They’re the party that’s basically the bigoted party.”
One might think that would have come straight out of the mouth of a radical homosexual, rather than a radical Muslim.
Or maybe not!
Friends, you are dealing with a form of totalitarianism. They love to pull your hair, smack your face and then cry the victim. . . .
If we didn't know better, Bluestem would suspect that Stephanie and Bradlee Dean have found a new pillow book to replace the Song of Solomon. Dean also borrows from a recent Tea Party speaker in Little Falls and Mankato to suggest that Keith Ellison is Up To No Good:
. . .Act For America’s Brigitte Gabriel said during an interview in a video called “Stealth Jihadie” that “Muslims can lie and the lie is permissible as long as the lie basically prepares the way for Islam to be either victorious or to win an argument against an enemy.”
Gabriel goes on to say that during Keith Ellison’s victory party, Allah Akbar (“God is greatest” – “Allah is greater”) were the words that were shouted. Those who perpetrated the downing of the twin towers in New York City on 9/11 said these same words. . . .
If Representative Ellison isn't using his religion to be hating on the cute boys in the same way that Dean interprets Christianity, then the Minneapolis Democrat must be a secret terrorist. Well, that's different.
Or maybe not. Dean has long tried to pull Ellison's hair and slap his face, or something.
Some of the text near the end of the column is lifted from an earlier Dean blog rant, Keith Ellison takes a shot at Bradlee Dean Revised, posted in October 2011.The post doesn't mention Ellison's leadership role in the House LGBT caucus.
Right Wing Watch picks up the latest WDN column in Bradlee Dean: Obama Pushing For Sharia Law, Discriminating Against Straight People:
Bradlee Dean, who has entertained the notion that President Obama is secretly gay, thinks that the president is practicing “discrimination towards heterosexuals” and “advocates Shariah law.”
“[L]ook at who President Barrack Hussein Obama and this current administration have appointed to key positions in government–over 225 homosexuals,” Dean writes in a WorldNetDaily column published yesterday. “Talk about discrimination towards heterosexuals.”...
In fact, he thinks that Rep. Keith Ellison is lying about his support for LGBT equality as part of taqiyya, or the concealment of religious beliefs due to the threat of violence, in order to undermine Christianity and elevate political Islam. Of course, Dean even manages to link Ellison to 9/11.
2010 version of smear
This malarky is nothing new for Dean. On December 2, 2010, TPM Muckraker Ryan J. Reilly reported in Christian Minister: Muslim Congressman's Support Of 'Homosexuals' Is Part Of Sharia Plot
A Christian minister in Minnesota said on his radio program that the nation's first Muslim member of Congress was soliciting the support of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community to implement Sharia law. Follow his logic with us, wouldn't you?
Bradlee Dean of the religious ministry You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International said on his radio program that Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) is only supporting LGBT rights as part of a strategy to bring Sharia law to the United States, the Minnesota Independent reported.
"I said time and time again that there is a correlation between the Muslims and the homosexual agenda, and we have a couple of fools in the state of Minnesota that are putting a rope around their neck and they just don't realize it," Dean said on a radio. "Here, let me give it to you this way: Keith Ellison is a Muslim."
Dean reasoned that Ellison's support of protections for the LGBT community (like the Matthew Shepard Act) and for same-sex marriage is part of a plot to overthrow the Constitution and put Sharia law in its place. . . .
Right Wing Watch posted the audio of the 2010 broadcast (removed over copyright claims) and a full transcript in Bachmann-Supported Group Claims Rep. Ellison Using Gays To Impose Sharia on US. The 2010 Right Wing Watch report is based on an Andy Birkey article published at the defunct Minnesota Independent site; archives are no longer online.
2011 iteration
The Minnesota Independent reported similar claims by Dean in 2011, after Ellison criticized Dean in the wake of the radical pastor's redacted prayer in the Minnesota House. Islamophobe site Bare Naked Islam used the Mindy report as the basis for its June 6, 2011 post, Radio talker Bradlee Dean accuses Keith Ellison (D-MN) of trying to overthrow the US Constitution and replace it with Shari'a law.
2012: Dean warns LGBT community about Ellison
Since the "What's Ellison up to being an LGBT=friendly Muslim?" cray-cray attracted attention in 2010 and 2011, Dean recycled a slightly different version of it in 2012. City Pages blogger Aaron Rupar posted in Bradlee Dean crank calls Keith Ellison, alleges that Muslims want to execute gays [AUDIO]:
On a recent episode of his radio show, Bradlee Dean called Keith Ellison's office to ask the tough questions. Like, you know, how Ellison reconciles his role as vice chair of the House's LGBT Equality Caucus with the "fact" that Muslims seek to execute homosexuals.
Dean looking out for gays? Excuse me while my head explodes. . . .
Read the transcript at the City Pages and listen to the audio Ken Avidor captured. Dean doesn't get into exposing the "stealth jihad," just exploring his own obsessions with Ellison. Your ears may ache a bit, but you'll likely survive with your head intact?
Will Dean's ministry still be around for the 2014 rollout of the same old 2010 rant? We'll let you know.
Photo: Bradlee Dean, or, those who have learned the lessons of trolling the media are doomed to repeat themselves.
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And they let this man out without adult supervision?
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Oct 26, 2013 at 02:57 PM