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Oct 04, 2013


Phoenix Woman

Kurt Daudt reminds me of his Tea Party colleagues in the US House. He really does.

Many if not most of the members of the GOP House's "Suicide Caucus", like Daudt back when he worked for Marty Seifert, have limited political experience -- which is a problem as Republicans tend to be authoritarian types who have difficulty with abstract thinking; it's not enough to be told they mustn't touch that third rail, they have to experience the pain of it at first hand before they understand that touching that rail is to be avoided.

If you look at the persons behind the shutdown-to-defund-Obamacare, you'll find that none of them were in Congress or the Senate back in 1996, which was the last time House Republicans forced a government shutdown. (This includes Jim DeMint, the former-senator-turned-Heritage-Foundation-head; he didn't become a Representative until 1999 and didn't become a senator until 2005.)

Daudt seems to have burned his hand a few times and thus learned something approaching wisdom. The members of the House GOP's anti-Obamacare Caucus are all having their own scorched-hand moments right now, though some of them haven't realized this yet. But soon, within a week or so, they will understand why their forebears stopped forcing shutdowns after 1996.

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