The shutdown of the federal government ended after two weeks of pouter pigeon -like display. One indication of who won might be the New Ulm Journal editorial, House GOP may need a new mascot:
. . .The deal was expected to pass the Senate, and there are hopes it will pass the House despite the expected opposition from the conservative flank of the Republican Caucus.
Which brings us to the idea that perhaps House Republicans need to modify the party's traditional GOP Elephant mascot. It may be time to model it on the "Pushmi-Pullyu" (pronounced "push me, pull you") from the Dr. Dolittle stories. This animal was a cross between a gazelle and a unicorn with a head on both ends. When it tried to walk, both ends tried to head in opposite directions, and it got nowhere.
It seems an appropriate symbol for the current state of the House Republicans.
Kudos to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) for showing it is possible for the two parties to get together and accomplish something for the good of the country.
Photo: In the brave new world of American poltics, a donkey checks out a Pushmi-pullyu. Via the BBC. Yes, we missed the panda cam.
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