Money-man and 2014 Republican gubernatorial hopeful Scott Honour's big name supporters say his lack of political experience a plus, but his own state senator was feeling neglected by the political newbie.
Himself a freshman legislator who won a close primary for the open seat in Senate District 33 against veteran state representative Connie Doepke, Osmek took to twitter on Wednesday to complaint that his constituent had never contacted him about his bid for the Republican endorsement in the contest:
@PatShortridge. I don't get it Pat: Honour has never called or barely given the time of day to his OWN state sen/rep. A bit insulting.
— David Osmek (@BigDfromMn) October 30, 2013
Pat Shortridge, the Republican operative and former state party chair who replaced Tony Sutton as the party's finances crumbled, manages Honour's campaign. Osmek continued to meow plaintively about the neglect:
@PatShortridge: Out of respect, we tend not to pester folks who support other candidates. Except...I haven't endorsed or picked a side yet
— David Osmek (@BigDfromMn) October 30, 2013
@PatShortridge I have a favorite or two...but I have not endorsed. Besides...I'm his senator, and I always am happy to hear from my people.
— David Osmek (@BigDfromMn) October 30, 2013
Looking over campaign finance records from 2012, it appears that Honour had not given a large contribution to either Republican state senate contender at any time in the primary and general election. Honour did, however, give to other state legislative candidates across the state in 2012.
Osmek aired other grievances as well. He lamented the lack of support from unspecified entities following his 2012 primary win:
Even after winning the primary, I still got the cold shoulder. @judyinplym @talkette How could anyone not support? @BigDfromMn @SheilaKihne
— David Osmek (@BigDfromMn) October 30, 2013
He's also displeased at news of the Minnesota Business Partnership's plans to "attack" Tea Party legislators:
@bizpartnership. Now that the Mn Bus Partnership is going to be attacking "tea party" GOP legislators, can I find out if I am on the list?
— David Osmek (@BigDfromMn) October 30, 2013
Osmek's primary bid benefitted from independent expenditure mailings, according to a contemporary MPR report, Doepke campaign says last minute mailer distorts her position:
Just before the primary election, voters in Senate District 33 got more mailers from an outside group.
This week, Americans for Prosperity Minnesota (AFP-MN) sent out fliers targeting Rep. Connie Doepke, R-Orono, that say she stands with President Barack Obama on health care. . . .
It’s not the first time the SD 33 primary race between Doepke and GOP-endorsed David Osmek to replace retiring state Sen. Gen Olson has attracted outside attention. Last month, the Freedom Club, a conservative group linked to GOP donor Robert Cummins, funded mailers targeting Doepke on her spending record.
It's not as if Osmek didn't have some friends, and Honour gave to the Freedom Club in 2012.
Honour, who intends to primary the GOP state convention endorsee should he not land the prize himself, took a distant fourth place in Saturday's straw poll. He told Zack Kayser at the Bemidji Pioneer that the poor finish didn't matter:
Honour said since his campaign didn’t invest any time or money on an effort to do well in the poll, the results don’t really mean much to him.
"Because I’m a political outsider, I have to take the time for people to get to know to me," he said. "To me, the straw poll wasn’t relevant at all — it doesn’t faze me."
Perhaps if he gave his state senator a call . . .
Images: Dave "Big D" Osmek's twitter avatar (above); Avatar for Scott Honour, the standoofish snoot! (below).
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Sow the crazy wind, reap the utterly crazy whirlwind.
Is the idea of making themselves exempt from all taxes or rules so desirable to the elites who bankroll the GOP that they will tolerate situations like this?
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Nov 02, 2013 at 10:32 PM