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Nov 16, 2013



Who could ever have guessed that superlawyer Larry Klayman, former scourge of the Clinton and Bush White Houses (credit where it’s due, he sued the f&*&ck out of George W. Bush for Dick Cheney’s energy task force meetings, where even the members of the task force were kept secret), and who most recently has been trying to get ol Prezzy to come out with his hands up, would have a lawsuit dismissed because he is bad at his job?
Oh, right, everyone could have guessed that! Because of how we have been watching him lose case after case, forever! First he lost Bradlee Dean’s suit against Rachel Maddow, then he called the judge in the Maddow case a “woman scorned,” then he lost his own child custody or alimony case (we forget), then he called the judge in that case a Jew! It is weird how everyone is always out to get Larry Klayman, with their Jewishness and scorned womanness. And now he has lost another! It is like he cannot even wildly sue people for defamation for no reason without losing! Poor Larry Klayman.

Phoenix Woman

Would one of the things he has to fix be the spelling of the name of at least one of the defendants? ;-)

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