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Jan 18, 2014


Phoenix Woman

Either Marty Seifert has memory issues severe enough to render him incapable of the executive-level thinking needed to be an effective governor, or he's lying through his teeth.

If the latter holds true, he must really think Minnesotans don't have very good memories, if he thinks we don't remember how his biggest selling point in the 2010 GOP gubernatorial primary was that he was much more electable in the general than was Tom Emmer.

From the Mankato Free Press, January 8, 2010:


-- “We all agree, generally, on the message,” Emmer said.

-- That’s why issues such as fundraising ability and personal liability might matter to Republicans attending the February caucuses — the first step in the endorsement process that will culminate at the party’s state convention on April 30 in Minneapolis. If they all stand for pretty much the same thing, then the choice becomes more about who can beat the Democratic candidate Nov. 2.

-- “We need someone who’s principled and electable,” Seifert said.

-- A 14-year-member of the state House and an admissions counselor at Southwest Minnesota State University, Seifert said Republican voters will see a candidate with fundraising ability and a history of electoral success. He’s won his last six elections with between 60 percent and 70 percent of the vote.

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