"JR," most likely James Rugg, co-chair of the Central Minnesota Tea Party as of 2011, is sick and tired of pandering to the "politically correct," and lets his illness rip in There Is Such a Thing as Right and Wrong., the latest post on the Republican candidates-must stop organization's blog.
Rugg writes:
. . . Same sex marriage is counter to over 2000 years of tradition and to human nature. The United Nations and its’ Agenda 21 is a power grab to control everyone’s life. Muslims and Islam have an agenda to substitute our Rule of Law with Sharia Law. Control by the people has become control by an elite cartel intent on “single world order.”
A majority of citizens gathering news daily from mainstream media and government sources do not see they are receiving screened information that hides a well executed plan to undermine the US constitution and our founding principles. . . .
Think that's a conspiracy theory? Rugg believes that's what "elites" and both major political parties want you to believe:
Can’t happen, you say – just another conspiracy theory. That’s exactly what the elite want you to think and will tell you.
Consider: Current laws, under the umbrella of Environmental improvement, affect our every move. Public schools no longer educate, but indoctrinate. US government implements United Nations missions of Agenda 21, gun confiscation, population control, forced living centers, data collection and surveillance, redistribution of wealth, limited travel using rail systems, single world order. Connect the dots. It IS happening and both major party’s [sic] promote the plan.
And Rugg doesn't care what you think about grammar or calling him names:
. . . NO, I could care less if you want to call me all kinds of demeaning names. If you care about America and our kids future, join me. If you follow the PC line, you are part of surface thinkers who are destroying our culture and life style.
However, the Republican Party's part in the promotion of the "well-executed plan" must not bother Rugg overly much. According to records in the Nexis newspaper database, the Central Minnesota Tea Party has pandered to CD6 Republican congressional candidates Tom Emmer, Phil Krinkie, and Rhonda Sivarajah have addressed CMTP meetings. In statewide races, Republican gubernatorial candidates Scott Honour, Jeff Johnson, Dave Thompson and Kurt Zellers have been speaking guests.
United States Senate hopefuls Chris Dahlberg,; Jim Abeler sent a representative. A SD13 GOP Facebook post notes that an email from the CMNTP offered a chance to meet with Julianne Ortman, although it is unclear if the event was organized by the CMNTP itself.
Who is James Rugg?
A longtime Republican activist, James Rugg was a member of "Citizen Awareness of the Restructuring of Education" (CARE), which aligned with EdWatch in opposing school-to-work programs, the Profiles of Learning, early childhood education and No Child Left Behind. The St. Cloud Times reported in "We The People to oppose levy effort":
The group that worked to defeat a sales tax in St. Cloud in 1999 has reorganized to oppose St. Cloud school district's efforts for a tax increase.
The group calls itself We The People. It's led by Don Mielke, Dennis Dunphy, James Rugg, all of St. Cloud and Tony Muehlbauer of Sauk Rapids. (Dave Aikens, St Cloud Times, October 14, 2003, Nexis All News, accessed January 8, 2014)
In 2004, the Times reported that Rugg was discontented with President George Bush's policies, although he supported the Texan's re-election:
. . .There was no straw poll for president - the group was pretty unanimous that Bush is their man this fall, despite any misgivings they may have about him.
"I'm not very happy about lots of domestic things," said James Rugg, a retired mechanical contractor from Haven Township. "I think we're involved in too many foreign initiatives, too."
Despite those misgivings, it will be a very easy decision to vote for Bush this fall, said Rugg, who lists education reform as his top-priority issue. ( Lawrence Schumacher, Local GOP looks to Bush for leadership, March 3, 2004, St. Cloud Times, Nexis All News, accessed January 8, 2014)
Oter tidbits in Nexis include the retired mechanical contractor's objections to "multiculturism," the Liam Neeson movie "Kinsey," state retention of blood samples drawn during newborn screenings and Karl Bremer.
"Locals give opinions," an October 3, 2008 Times article, identifies Rugg as a Ron Paul supporter who was nonetheless impressed with Sarah Pailn's vice presidential debate performance. His Facebook profile reveals friendships with many Republicans.
In short, he's a Tea Party member and a Republican activist. Bluestem cannot say that all Republicans support the notion of a "well-executed plan" that the media is in on to create a "single world order," but those Tea Party organizers who claim that the Tea Party movement is indifferent to social issues are simply not paying attention.
Photo: Random tea party photo.
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