It's been a while since we checked in with Annandale MN's toxic Christian metal rocker Bradlee Dean, fresh off a tour of Tea Party clubs in California.
In POP STARS: OUR REAL LEGISLATORS!, his latest article for World Net Daily (sometimes called World Nut Daily by those of coarse sensibilities), Dean writes in part:
.. . The real legislators are those who convey the political message through their music, lyrics and lifestyles. They are the guys and girls that you know of as “rock stars,” “pop stars,” etc.
Look at little Justin Bieber who was recently busted for a D.U.I., as well as being under the influence of anti-depressants and marijuana. His mugshot was of little Justin smiling big as if to say, “Nothing to fear, there will be no consequence for endangering the lives of those who were on the same road I was on. The ‘soft judge’ will just smack me on the hand.”
Are you hearing and seeing this next generation? What is little Justin’s message? His message is do as I do! Go and hang out at strip clubs with your daddy, drink and drive if you want to, disrespect authorities, smoke dope (actually the dope smokes you), fornicate (sex before marriage), and in turn, I ask, what do those who follow little Justin do? . . .
Bluestem must have missed this legislative agenda amid the calls to deport Bieber back to his native Canada.
ABC's The Note reports in Justin Bieber Deportation Petition Gets White House Attention:
The White House is gearing up its diplomatic machinery to respond to the latest international issue — a petition to deport bad boy pop star Justin Bieber.
“That response will come I’m sure relatively soon,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said today. ”I don’t have one now.”
“On matters related to visas, I’d refer you to DHS,” Carney added, referring the Department of Homeland Security.
Earlier this month, a petition was created on the White House’s “We the People” site calling for the government to deport Bieber and revoke his green card. As of this afternoon, there are 223,269 signatures on this position.
The White House is required to respond to any petitions which garner more than 100,000 signatures, according to the “We the People” standards.
The petition, which was filed on the day the 19-year-old Canadian pop star was arrested for an alleged DUI and drag racing, says “We the people of the United States feel that we are being wrongly represented in the world of pop culture. We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked.” . . ,
Dean seems to have gotten Bieber's appeal bassackward. Huffington Post reports on Wednesday Most Americans Ready To Deport Justin Bieber (If He's Convicted):
More than half of Americans want Justin Bieber to be deported, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll.
The poll finds that 52 percent of Americans think the troubled teen idol, a Canadian citizen, should be kicked out of the U.S. if he's convicted of a crime, compared to only 26 percent who think he should not be. The idea of deporting Bieber is supported by 55 percent of Republicans, 55 percent of independents, and a 47 percent plurality of Democrats. . . .
Of course, Americans' support for deporting Bieber might have nothing at all to do with his alleged criminal activity and more to do with the fact that most Americans just dislike the teen star. Eighty percent said they had an unfavorable opinion of Bieber, including 56 percent who said they had a very unfavorable opinion.
That 80 percent disapproval rating does put Bieber at an equal rating for Republican members of congress, according to a Washington Post - ABC News poll released January 25. Democrats in Congress polled 8 points better than either Republicans or Bieber. Perhaps it's unfair and inscientific to compare Congressional numbers with those of Bieber, whose populatiry was not measured by the same poll.
Bradlee Dean gained national attention in 2011 when he delivered an opening prayer to the Minnesota legislature in which he questioned President Obama's faith. The prayer was redacted from the record by the then-Republican controlled Minnesota House.
Dean later attempted to sue Rachel Maddow for defamation for reporting what he said on his radio sho
Photo: Justin Bieber's infamous mugshot. While Bradlee Dean may think that the youth loves this stuff, Americans of all all political stripes give the young Canadian pop star a vote of no confidence.
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