State Senator Dan Hall (R-Burnsville) isn't known for subtlety in communications: the man once carried on about Minneapolis schools in a way that garnered national online headlines like Raw Story's Minnesota Republican: ‘I watched Minneapolis get destroyed’ by integration and Maddow Blog's 'My best friends are minority!'
Tonight, he's ruffling feathers about mental health care.
His response to President Obama's State of The Union address lit up twitter:
I need more mental health care after listening to him. #sotu
— Dan Hall (@SenatorDanHall) January 29, 2014
This tweet was one of a string of non-stop grousing about the president and Tuesday's speech:
He continues to say he is the savior when he's really the rich national destroyer. #sotu
— Dan Hall (@SenatorDanHall) January 29, 2014
He basically says the same thing every year while the nation continues to dismantle. #sotu
— Dan Hall (@SenatorDanHall) January 29, 2014
The "mental health care" tweet drew some sharp responses, as the twitterverse objected to a crack about a sometimes still unfairly ridiculed area of health care:
@SenatorDanHall that's pretty offensive to joke about
— alex james murphy (@bar_down25) January 29, 2014
@Salencita @SenatorDanHall just remember, having the title doesn't make one a decent human being.
— jacobob (@jacobob) January 29, 2014
.@SenatorDanHall you are a meathead. You realize that, right? Not because of your views. Because you are a leader acting like a two year old
— Dave Ostlund (@DaveOstlund) January 29, 2014
Good thing @SenatorDanHall doesn't have anybody in his district that needs mental health services!
— Caitlin (@GoFeiockYoSelf) January 29, 2014
Bravo to @RepTimMurphy for standing up for mental health care in the USA. Please remind folks like @SenatorDanHall how much this means to us
— Jacko (@Carpboy823) January 29, 2014
@SenatorDanHall Show some class, man.
— Jeremy Zoss (@JZossMPLS) January 29, 2014
It's interesting to note that most of the responses were reacting out of concern for the mentally ill and need to care for them, rather than treating the tweet as an attack on the President.
But perhaps Senator Hall (who is a Christian pastor) thinks Jesus was just joking about that stuff about caring for the sick and the least among us.
Photo: A Facebook profile of Senator Dan Hall from the 2012 Minnesota Senate election.
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