On both his personal Facebook page and that of the Sons of Liberty Radio show, Annandale-based toxic metal preacher Bradlee Dean or one of his few remaining associates shared a YouTube claiming (WeNeverWentToTheMoon.com) FAKE MOON LANDING TOTALLY EXPOSED.
For a laugh, read the comments on the Dean Facebook fan page.
Dean phrases his post as a question ("Did we really go to the moon? Really. Your thoughts....") but his belief in the no-moon-landing conspiracy theory is nothing new. In the May 15, 2006 Weekly Standard article, What Would Jesus Rap?, Matt Labash wrote:
. . . He is also a gold-plated conspiracy theorist who will readily hold forth on the mysterious plane crashes of Paul Wellstone and John Kennedy Jr., how Oswald didn't act alone, how O.J. Simpson might've been framed ("He's driving down the freeway, all of the sudden there's this helicopter on his truck--how convenient!"), and how the moon-landing was faked in a television studio. We disagree so vehemently on this last point that he starts polling his assemblies on the subject just to settle the dispute. To what should be the chagrin of us all, apparently about 35 percent of public school students and teachers believe Neil Armstrong deserves an Oscar for his star turn in that NASA movie. . . .
Good times.
It has been reported that Dean's ministry is no more, but he bravely carries on with a crew of at least two staffers. Dean gained national attention in 2011 when a prayer he gave as chaplain for the day at the Minnesota House was redacted after he questioned President Obama's faith and when he filed a lawsuit suing Rachel Maddow and others for reporting what he said on The Sons of Liberty Radio show.
Screenshot: Bradlee Dean trolling Facebook about the moon landing.
Note: The conspiracy theory that Senator Wellstone's plane crash was no accident is shared by people across the political spectrum. Bluestem Prairie does not share this notion.
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