The handbook for candidates at the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure asks and answers the question:
Do I need to form a campaign committee?
A candidate does not need to form a campaign committee if
• the candidate will spend only the candidate’s own money on the campaign, or
• the candidate will not accept contributions totaling more than $750 from other people.
If the candidate is going to receive more than $750 from supporters to get elected or wants to
receive public money, the candidate must form a campaign committee.
Perham wife, mother, talent agent and small self defense business owner Sue Nelson sent an email announcing her intention to seek the Republican endorsement in House District 8B, a seat currently held by two-term legislator Mary Franson on January 19 and set up her campaign's Facebook page on January 21.
Area newspapers began reporting that she was running the very next day, so Bluestem assumes she made some phone calls or sent out a press release.
But one thing her campaign hasn't done yet? Register with the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board. Nada for her under N or the district number.
Is there a time limit within which Nelson must form a committee? The Handbook asks and answers that question too:
What is the time limit for registering?
You must register the candidate’s campaign committee with the Board within 14 days after
receiving more than $750 from supporters or spending more than $750 to help the candidate get nominated or elected. Receiving contributions or spending money to get the party's endorsement counts toward the $750 threshold. Even if the candidate does not receive a party endorsement and stops running for office at that point, you still must register the committee if the contribution or spending thresholds were met.
The disclosure statement at the bottom of the photo (right) of Nelson's campaign literature distributed at Republican precinct caucuses in Otter Tail and Douglas Counties suggests that Nelson is funding her own campaign.
Has she spent over $750? Does she have a campaign manager? A treasurer? How would anyone know, in the absence of registration with the board?
One thing is for sure: if she's collecting campaign contributions, absolutely no one is getting a receipt for the PCR program and so far,should she garner the party endorsement, her campaign can't receive the public subsidy. In the end, should she be endorsed, her campaign's lack of transparency might put a DFL contender at a distinct COH advantage. A Nelson victory might provide a DFL pickup.
A crisp irony for a candidate given to the fantods over Franson's 2012 micro-victory.
Photos: Sue Nelson campaigning in Alexandria prior to the precinct caucuses. Via Facebook; we simply couldn't possibly comment as to who took this photo (above); Nelson's self-funded literature (below).
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