With a fast and furious legislative session underway, Bluestem hadn't read the Central Minnesota Tea Party Blog for a while, and so we missed a fantabolus post from March 25, 2014, Transgender day in Browerville/ Muslims in Little Falls, wherein the anonymous blogger concludes:
I sent a note to Rep Ron Kresha and Sen Paul Gazelka and informed them of all of this and asked why it is even possible that Rep Keith Ellison can legally be a Rep in our govt when he has ties to CAIR, which is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood! Ron is doing some checking on this and will get back to me.
That fear seems familar, and indeed, Bluestem's editor recalls that one issue some Americans raised about Article Six during the adoption of the United States Constitution was that it might open the doors of leadership to "Jews Turks & infidels." However, the question of a religious test is settled, according to a scholar at the Heritage Foundation.
We doubt Representative Kresha (R-Little Falls) will find a plot to destroy America or even Morrison County. Not that he'll look--he seems to be dedicating more of time supporting the 5% campaign to raise wages for personal care workers, working for rural broadband and crusading for the use of really huge fonts on union organizing drive materials than pandering to anti-Muslim sentiment in Central Minnesota.
It must be irksome for the Central Minnesota Tea Party that USA Today is reporting Rep. Keith Ellison: Being a Muslim in Congress Has Gotten Better and that the Bush Foundation has chosen CAIR-MN's executive director for a leadership fellowship, noted in For Muslim leader Lori Saroya, challenges are opportunities. (Bluestem doesn't agree with everything Representative Ellison says, like his recent crack about the Second Amendment).
For this anonymous individual, any possibility that Muslims might live and go to school in her or his community is cause for alarm and evidence for a conspiracy. Earlier in the post:
I heard on 960 AM yesterday that the Initiative Foundation and Catholic Charities are planning an apartment complex to start moving in the Muslims into Little Falls. Evidently that was why they scheduled their meeting last fall – with CAIR and the Priest hosting it, but the meeting was canceled due to weather and to the Priest’s father passing away. It was not rescheduled to date. But that, of course, was to get us to trust them and to get us to be nice neighbors, and to accept their decision to do this. Anyway, it was on the radio the other day again that evidently they have decided to do this so many of us are livid! I have heard so much of how they have destroyed St. Cloud – the schools had to add foot baths and they just do whatever it is they want during school, not even trying to simulate into our society and then wonder why they are not liked and people are not neighborly. I have heard that their goal is to get a group started in all the small town areas throughout our state and then grow.
Why, the very nerve of people to think that in 2014, Americans of all origins and faiths can live wherever they like! If only the Central Minnesota Tea Party could roll the clock back fifty years. (Not).
Bluestem believes that we know who the anonoblogger is, as the particular CMTPP organizer is obsessed with Ellison and CAIR, but we're looking for confirmation.
Photo: After signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, President Lyndon Baines Johnson hands Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. one of the pens used to sign the landmark legislation.
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