Bluestem can't say that our Congressman, Collin Peterson, is our favorite, although looking over Republican contender Torrey Westrom's record--including support of pod transit legislation--makes us realize that it could be worse, as we say in these parts.
A column by McLeod County editor Rich Glennie about a recent visit to Glencoe by Peterson illustrates why many CD7 residents are charmed by the veteran lawmaker. He writes in Peterson makes it official — he’s running:
. . .Peterson is a favorite of mine. He is one of the few remaining “Blue Dog” Democrats in Congress, fiscally conservative, yet capable of working in a bipartisan way to get things accomplished.
We need more of his kind, not fewer.
So, district Republicans, perhaps two years from now will be a different story for the soon-to-be 70-year old congressman from Detroit Lakes. But then again, maybe not.
Peterson literally landed in Hutchinson last Wednesday afternoon, via his own airplane, after stops earlier in the day at Pipestone, Marshall and Montevideo. He had one more stop in Litchfield before heading home for the day.
He was an entourage of one, another rarity in politics these days. He didn’t need any press secretary and public relations assistant.
Dressed in a suit coat and blue jeans, Peterson comes off as the neighbor next door, out for a chat over a cup of coffee.
But behind those pale blue eyes and weathered face is a shrewd politician with vast knowledge of Congress and how it should work.
But it was the dysfunction of the legislative process of late that sparked the “drama,” as he called it, over his impending retirement.
Drama created by Republicans, he added.
He never makes up his mind until about this time each election cycle, he said. No different this cycle. . . .
Read the rest at the Chronicle. Meanwhile, the NRCC announced promotions in its star candidate list, the Star Tribune reports in Mills moves up in Republican "Young Guns" program. Noteworthy:
The NRCC has also targeted Minnesota Democratic congressman Collin Peterson and Rep. Tim Walz, but none of their potential Republican challengers made the up-and-coming list.
We'll keep readers abreast of this one.
Photo: Collin Peterson, a Blue Dog.
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