A reliable source tells Bluestem Prairie that Ernie Leidiger has endorsed Bob Frey, and Frey is seeking endorsements from other Minnesota Republicans in the Minnesota House. This may not play well for those in the Republican Party of Minnesota who are trying to move on from the marriage equality defeat.
Indeed, a number of anti-equality candidates have popped up. Eric Lucero captured the HD30A endorsement over incumbent David FitzSimmons (Albertville), while Sheila Kihne challenged Deputy Minority Leader Jenifer Loon (Eden Prairie), denying endorsement in 48B. Sue Nelson is challenging 8B incumbent Mary Franson, for supporting Tim Kelly's bill for civil unions, an unsuccessful attempt to block same-sex marriage in Minnesota that even Minnesotans for Marriage was "pleased" to see. In two west central Minnesota districts, Republicans picked candidates who are making marriage equality the centerpiece of their campaigns--over more moderate Republicans recruited by the House GOP caucus.
Frey fits in with this pattern--and extends it into non-work safety territory.
Bluestem first looked at a disturbing DVD that Frey, who is Glenn Gruenhagen's campaign committee chair and a longtime co-cultural warrior with the Sibley County Republican, in Gruenhagen's campaign chair & candidate for HD47 circulates awful DVD about anti-bullying bill.
Bluestem looked at the political connections that tie Frey to the DVD. Over at The Column, Andy Birkey takes an in-depth look at the medical and scientific claims in the video in MN group founded by lawmaker creates bizarre anti-gay video claiming HIV is transmitted in sweat:
The Pro-Marriage Amendment Forum, a group created in 2011 by Republican Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen, R-Glencoe, and “ex-gay” activist Kevin Peterson, has crafted a video called “Sodomy, Health, Money, and HF-826.”
“Sodomy, Health, Money, and HF-826″ targets HF 826, the Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act, which aims to make Minnesota’s anti-bullying laws stronger. The video produced by Gruenhagen and Peterson makes claims that contradict sound public health science. TheColu.mn made requests for comment to both Gruenhagen and Peterson, but were not returned.
The video was first discovered by Bluestem Prairie who reported that a Republican candidate for the State House has been distributing it among activists. In fact, it appears that at least one activist aired the program on public access television in the Twin Cities area. . . .
. . . The narrator takes the viewer on an in-depth and fact-challenged lesson on the human reproductive cycle and then makes the claim that AIDS is caused by an enzyme in sperm entering the digestive system.
“When sperm enters the digestive system, it is quickly absorbed into the blood. It is the enzyme in the sperm that causes the immune system to fail. AIDS stand for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.“
He continues, “Sodomy is a voluntary act to destroy the immune system that protects us from disease, various cancers and other health issues.”
Contrary to the claims in the video, HIV universally recognized by the medical community as causing AIDS. . . .
. . . The claims made in the video are incorrect. According to virtually every private and public institution focusing on HIV including the Centers for Disease Control, AIDS.gov, and National Center for Biotechnology Information, HIV cannot be transmitted through saliva, tears or sweat. . . .
Read Birkey's in-depth examination at The Column.
Ernie Leidiger first gained statewide attention when he was outed as the legislator who invited toxic metal preacher and homophobe Bradlee Dean to serve as guest chaplain for the opening prayer for the Minnesota House. The prayer was stricken from the record after Dean questioned President Obama's faith.
Republican Jim Nash, mayor of Waconia, is also seeking his party's endorsement for the seat.
Photo: Bob Frey.
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