Now appearing in social media and (doubtless) many inboxes, TakeAction Minnesota is asking Minnesotans to contact their state senators in a "Senate Before Tonight" campaign. Here's the pitch:
The Minnesota State House and Senate have been negotiating a deal on raising the minimum wage for weeks, and at yesterday’s committee meeting the House made it clear that they're standing firm for a $9.50 minimum wage that is indexed to inflation. Now the ball is in the Senate's court -- and they're meeting this evening to discuss it. The main sticking point is whether or not we'll tie the minimum wage to inflation.
Will you reach out to your senator today to let them know that you want them to act fast to give minimum wage workers a raise they can count on?
The email campaign's instructions are self explanatory. Check it out here.
Whip Count
Bluestem isn't part of TakeAction Minnesota, but as an independent blogger, we've been conducting MN Senate minimum wage constituent Whip Count. Heard from your state senator? Contact us via the comments, which are moderated. We'll publish the position in the Whip Count, but leave your comment private if you wish.
Meme: via TakeAction Minnesota.
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