reports in Buck Zumhofe found guilty on 12 counts of criminal sexual conduct involving a family member:
Former pro wrestler Buck Zumhofe was found guilty on 12 felony counts of criminal sexual conduct, according to multiple sources. Zumhofe was convicted of criminal sexual conduct with a "close family member" who began living with him when she was 15 years old. The 62 year-old Zumhofe, will be sentenced in Kandiyohi County District Court on Thursday. He took the stand in his own defense earlier this week and denied any sexual involvement with the woman.
But sources on Facebook also note that Zumhofe tried to escape after the sentence was handed down--accounts that are confirmed by a new charge of Escape from Custody that's noted in the Kandiyohi County Jail Custody list for March 5, 2014 (scroll to the Zs).
Via a source in the wrestling commmunity, we've learned that one person posted:
[Redacted]'s father was convicted on all 12 felony counts. The coward tried running out of the courtroom. He was tackled and arrested. [Redacted] called me a short time ago with the news. I don't know what else to do but cry.
Thank you everyone for your support and prayers.
It's finally's over.
Another individual posted on Facebook:
he went to the bathroom and ran from there
So ends a sad chapter in Minnesota wrestling history.
Photo: Buck Zumhofe's original custody photo. There's no image on the custody list, and we've heard rumors that he dyed his hair black.
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That's Buck, all right.
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Mar 06, 2014 at 07:52 PM