Representative Lyndon Carlson's (DFL-Crystal) HF3014 creates and funds a Public Employment Relations Board to deal with issues related to public employees; it removes complaints from the courts.
Carlson just introduced the bill and ALEC made man Steve Drazkowski has some lovely pre filed amendments that reveal his loathing on organized labor:
H.F. No. 3014, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 8, line 2, after the period, insert "This subdivision does not apply to bullying."
1.2Page 8, line 2, after the period, insert "This subdivision does not apply to
1.3strong-arming business to sign labor peace agreements."
.1.................... moves to amend the Carlson amendment (H3014A28) to H.F. No.
1.23014, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.3Page 1, after line 1, insert:
1.4"Page 8, line 2, after the period, insert This subdivision does not apply to
1.5strong-arming business to sign labor peace agreements."
1.6Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.7Amend the title accordingly
And that's only the beginning. Republicans have filed a lot of amendments to get their moments on camera as they shadow box against their adversaries.
Never mind that similar boards operate in other states and that employers can brings unfair labor chrges against unions--and that bill went through two house committee hearings and no opposition was raised to the bill.
Update: Carlson graciously cited Minnesota statute that cover The Draz's concerns, and raised no objection to his first amendment. Draz continued to argue. Very funny.
Update 2: Carlson accepts the second amendment, while asking for a clarification. Draz withdraws the amendment.
Photo: Minnesota House.
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