Glenn Gruenhagen's advocacy of the concept that beating kids will solve the bullying problem received national attention earlier in April, with the latest acknowledgement of his floor speech against the Safe Schools bill coming in Salon's 6 worst right-wing moments of the week on Monday.
As Bluestem posted in Gruenhagen's campaign chair & candidate for HD47 circulates awful DVD about anti-bullying bill and The Column's Andy Birkey reported in MN group founded by lawmaker creates bizarre anti-gay video claiming HIV is transmitted in sweat, a group Gruenhagen started has circulated a DVD opposing the bill for some mighty peculiar reasons.
Even though the bill has been signed into law, the Glencoe-area Republican isn't giving up. In a letter to the editor in today's McLeod County Chronicle, Anti-bullying, one of worst bills, passes, Gruenhagen writes:
In his final comments on the House floor, the bill’s author, Rep. Davnie, thanked the homosexual activist group Outfront Minnesota and the LGBT community for entrusting him to carry this bill.
What exactly is Gruenhagen objecting to in that sentence? The fact that LGBT citizens have the right to work with like-minded people to seek legislative redress?
This slam on Davnie is prefaces by a litany of evils in the bill. Check them out at the Chronicle--and compare the list to Birkey's Top 5 falsehoods the right is telling about Minnesota’s anti-bullying bill. While it's not a one-to-one matchup, most of Gruenhagen's points are familiar and discredited. Another strong source: Birkey's Anti-LGBT group creates misleading packet for legislators on anti-bullying bill.
Image: This still from the Simpsons recalls Gruenhagen's tale of getting spanked by a bus driver after bullying a few student on the bus.
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