Bluestem isn't sure whether a couple of amendments prefiled by twitter trollmeister and state representative Pat Garofalo (R-Farnington) are part of a MNGOP gotcha game against Governor Dayton--or just a measure of frustration at the lack of progress on legalizing medical marijuana in Minnesota.
UPDATE: The bill has been pulled from the docket until after the Easter/Passover break, the Associated Press reports in Possible Minnesota House vote on legalizing medical marijuana delayed until at least April 22.
And Dayton, who promises to veto any bill not approved by law enforcement, is accusing legislators of cowardice, the Strib reports in Lawmakers 'hiding behind their desks' on marijuana issue. [end update]
While Garofalo isn't a co-author of HF1818, Representative Melin's bill, he is a co-author of HF2383, a mirror "overflow" bill introduced by David Fitzsimmons (R-Albertville). The six House members signed on are equally spilt between Democrats and Republicans.
Melin's bill also enjoys bipartisan support, just not the support of Governor Dayton and his veto pen, a.k.a. law enforcement and county attorneys.
Garofalo has pre-filed two amendments for a Medical Cannabis Act." The first amendment, coded H2402A53, is prefiled for tomorrow's discussion of the HHS omnibus policy bill, HF2402. Much of the bill has to do with policy for prescription drugs.
The second amendment, H2874A3, will add the Medical Cannabis Act to HF2874, the Health Care Administrative Simplication Act, one of the "unsession" style bills that Dayton sought.
While we wonder whether this later amendment is germaine to the unsession bill, the measure would certainly simplify matters for sick people of all ages who wish to add legal and regulated medical marijuana products to control symptoms of their ailments.
The former bill, on the other hand, seems an extremely appropriate place for the language, although the problems with marijuana being classified as a federal Schedule I drug might necessitate a trip to the Civil Law committee. Maybe.
However, after watching the Minnesota House decide that an equal standard for setting overtime for farm workers wasn't germane to a bill celebrating Cesar Chavez Day, Bluestem won't hold its breath on approval of these two amendments.
The bills will be considered tomorrow.
Update: Looks like the Associated Press got there first (via the Strib), but no linkage to the amendments and bills so you can follow along at home.
Photo: Pat Garofalo may not be nice about professional athletes and race, but he likes puppies and sick people who seek legal medical marijuana to treat what ails them.
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