According to a report in the Mankato Free Press, Evolution talk sparks campaign rhetoric, Aaron Miller's campaign isn't just removing comments from liberals outraged by national reporting on his views on teaching evolution in schools.
MFP political reporter Josh Moniz has reached out to conservative Republican leaders who've had their questions removed:
. . . The majority of the removed comments dealt with Miller's evolution comments. However, the most notable comments removed were from longtime conservative activists Ruthie Hendrycks and Lynne Torgerson. Both women separately posted criticisms of Miller not having a list of his positions on major issues on his campaign website.
Torgerson, the founder at Christians United in Politics, said she regularly seeks to have candidates be vocal on their religious views and stances on important issues. She said this public display is essential for the future of the country.
She confirmed she had posted on Miller's website and said she never removed the comment.
"He should not have removed our comments or hid his positions," Torgerson said.
When asked about the removed comments, Meyer said they removed the comments because they were concerned Hendrycks and Torgerson would be associated negatively with further comments added to their posts.
That's rich. A former Minnesota House and Senate Republican staffer, Joe Meyer founded the Winona Party Tea Party.
Now he's guarding the honor of MinnSIR anti-immigrant activist and Minnesota Minutemen coordinator Ruthie Hendrycks, who was famously punked by "Robert Erickson" (Nick Espinosa) at the November 2009 "Tea Party Against Amnesty" at the Minnesota State Capitol. Hendrycks ran as Sue Jeffers' running mate when the talk radio personality and former bar owner primaried Governor Pawlenty in 2006.
The Gawker's Maureen O'Connor called Torgerson the Most Vile Politician in America Hellbent on Vanquishing Muslims, Muslim Congressman, writing:
Torgerson, an independent candidate, devotes a third of her "Issues" page to "Freedom of Religion," but she explains that Islam "is not 'religion' recognizable under the First Amendment" because it wants to "kill people not of their faith" and to "Islamize the entire world." (Torgerson aligns with the Catholic Church, which has never killed a nonbeliever or converted a wayward, thank Allah.)
Heaven forbid that any negative comments become associated with Hendrycks and Torgerson's names; we certainly know how Miller supporter Allen Quist has suffered in the media when a Republican opponent's campaign consultant brought up things that the Nicollet County conservative actually said.
M4M anti-marriage equality rally held at Miller church
While Aaron Miller's campaign website doesn't yet include any statements on the candidate's positions on issues (and the site's been live since Miller announced in August 2013), his bio does include the church where Miller worships, Calvary Baptist Church in Rochester, Minnesota.
The candidate's anti-evolution views are clearly in line with those held by the congregation, which links to Answers In Genesis.
Calvary Baptist also hosted the Rochester stop for Minnesotans for Marriage's Spring 2013 anti-marriage equality tour, John Weiss at the Rochester Post Bulletin reported in Traditional marriage rally in Rochester attracts more than 100:
[Brian and Tina Hansen of Mantorville] were among more than 100 people who cheered for protecting marriage as one man and one woman during a rally at Calvary Baptist Church in northwest Rochester Sunday and were encouraged to personally contact legislators to stop a bill that would allow same-sex marriage. The rally was part of the Minnesota for Marriage RV caravan that's going around the state, trying to get those against the same-sex bill to stop it. . . .
While Miller might not put his positions on issues on his campaign website, it's unlikely that Southern Minnesotans won't be able to figure out where the cat is at.
Photo: Anti-Muslim activist Lynne Torgerson, whose reputation the Miller campaign is so defending by deleted her question on its Facebook page.
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Geez, the Republicans usually wait until primary season is over before they delete things uttered by their base members and primary voters.
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Apr 12, 2014 at 08:59 PM