In Winona Daily News editorial board loves themselves some Jim Hagedorn, sorta, Bluestem took issue with the Winona Daily News' framing of the MNCD1 Republican primary challenger as a common sense fundraising machine.
Now Julie Quist, wife of 2012 candidate Allen Quist, weighs in with a corrective all her own. In Setting the record straight about Quist, she writes:
The Winona Daily News should know better than to parrot falsehoods about Allen Quist. For the record, way back in 1994 my husband did not say women are inferior to men; nor does he believe that. I have not met a man with greater regard for women than Allen Quist. His respect for women is far beyond what I found among liberal men while I traveled that side of the political landscape in my youth.
What my husband actually observed is that men are generally the heads of households (fact), and there is likely an inherent genetic reason for that. In other words, marriage and family aren’t simply cultural creations. But contrary to current cultural dogma, this does not translate to inferiority of women. Good grief! Equality isn’t sameness.
Surely I’ll be fiercely pounced upon for uttering that thought. Misrepresenting basic family structure as women’s inferiority was politically useful in 1994 as it is today. . . .
Read the rest at the WDN. It's curious how anyone would think that being inheritently subservient somehow doesn't mean being inferior, but perhaps being cherished makes it all different.
One needn't go far to find the source material for the Quist statement. At MinnPost, David Brauer wrote in the 2012 article, Audio: Allen Quist's 'genetic predisposition' interview from 1994:
Earlier this week, First Congressional District Republican candidate Mike Parry made a big issue of primary opponent Allen Quist’s political misstatements, including a 1994 quote where Quist said men had a “genetic predisposition” to lead the family. According to New Ulm Journal reporter Josh Moniz, “When Quist was questioned about it at a July 12, 2012, town hall in Rochester, he responded that people were making things up.”
If so, I can say only, “Mr. Quist, stop lying about my record.”
I was the Twin Cities Reader reporter who got the original quote, at a Country Kitchen outside Quist’s home town of St. Peter. [Read the entire interview as a PDF 2.6MB]..
Read the rest at MinnPost, where the original 1994 interview audio is also posted.
Allen Quist endorsed Aaron Miller in 2013. Miller later gained the Republican Party's endorsement at the MNCD1 GOP convention in Albert Lea earlier this year; after promising to abide by the endorsement, Hagedorn jumped back in the race this month.
Image: Allen Quist, by Ken Avidor.
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