Bluestem had to pause while reading Seifert: Indifference is hostility in the Mesabi Daily News. After accusing Governor Mark Dayton of playing "hide-and-seek on PolyMet and Twin Metals mining projects," Seifert plays a little hide-and-seek of his own with union members on the Range.
Seifert tells Executive Editor Bill Hanna:
Seifert also said his life story should connect with the people of the Iron Range more than Dayton’s.
“I’ve belonged to two unions. I love fishing, guns, mining and timber ... I have an affinity to rural issues. I’m a hard-working guy ... and I wasn’t raised by nannies.
We're not sure why Seifert is so hostile about child care providers, but we are certain that Seifert is hiding something here from those union members with whom he has so much in common.
On February 14, 2014, Zach Keyser at the Bemidji Pioneer included Seifert's valentine to the national right to work for less movement in GOP governor candidates debate at BSU; Seifert wins straw poll of attendees:
Seifert said although he was previously a member of the teachers’ union and the Teamsters, he was for right-to-work laws. . . .
They all said they would oppose an increase to the state minimum wage.
That should appeal to those Ranger in union. Big time.
Photo: Marty Seifert's family total enthused at his announcement that he's running for governor again. Via MinnPost.
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