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Jul 02, 2014


K. L.

The ad basically touts Kihne's so-called conservative street cred. The best part about it is when it mentions she was once student body president at the U of M.
She also mailed out a nice glossy piece right around the time the ads first started playing.

Rep. Loon responded with a gigantic legislative report.

It's a very bizarre grudge match campaign. I have heard from EP GOP friends that Kihne isn't "seriously running." She's trying to prove a point to Rep. Loon and other MNGOP electeds that they need to stay in line or else they can and will be challenged.

Phoenix Woman

Civis, Cummins, and Tony Sutton?

Why is my Spidey Sense tingling all of a sudden? Is it just the fish taco I had for lunch?

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