These days, even Bethel-going beauty queens who intern for Republicans in the Minnesota House are urging their party to accept marriage equality, as Bluestem noted in Former Miss Litchfield (and recent Urdahl intern) tells Republicans to get over it on marriage equality.
It's no wonder then that Annadale's toxic metal preacher, radio talker and failed anti-Rachel Maddow litigant is in a total panic about America.
At News With Views (Where Reality Shatters Illusion), Dean writes in SPITTING TOWARD HEAVEN:
Last week we witnessed four denominations emboldened by this criminal, “sodomite-advocating” administration, joining the ranks of the apostate in America. Namely, the United Church of Christ (that claims 1 million members with about 5,200 congregations), the Presbyterian Church USA, the Moravians, who voted to ordain gay clergy, as well as the Pentecostal Church International (1 Timothy 4:1). . . .
This is spitting toward Heaven; and rest assured, they (along with whoever tolerates their crimes) will fall on their own backs. . . .
When it comes to the issues at hand concerning our culture, we can clearly see that the majority of professed Christians are guilty of contributing to America’s state of moral anarchy (which they so boldly proclaim), proven by their support of antinomianism and the effeminate lifestyles they perpetuate. . . .
It is revealing that these “churches” are “coming out” and exposing “what” and “who” real Christians have always known them to truly be: counterfeits that open doors wide to the gates of hell.
Side note: This is nothing new. It reminds me of an evil king named Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:31, who “made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi.” These appointed priests were not ordained or appointed to stand in the place of or as God’s ministers, by God. Yet, there they were because of an evil king (a man) who usurped himself above God and His Law. (By the way, Barack Hussein Obama has appointed over 225 radical homosexuals, lesbians and transvestites to governmental positions.) . . .
Since it's been awhile since our editor took those theology extension courses, Bluestem had to review the meaning of "antinomianism,' which we vaguely recalled as having something to do with taking the belief in salvation by faith alone yo an extreme.
New Advent's Catholic Encyclopedia brings that up in its definition:
The heretical doctrine that Christians are exempt from the obligations of moral law. The term first came into use at the Protestant Reformation, when it was employed by Martin Luther to designate the teachings of Johannes Agricola and his sectaries, who, pushing a mistaken and perverted interpretation of the Reformer's doctrine of justification by faith alone to a far-reaching but logical conclusion, asserted that, as good works do not promote salvation, so neither do evil works hinder it; and, as all Christians are necessarily sanctified by their very vocation and profession, so as justified Christians, they are incapable of losing their spiritual holiness, justification, and final salvation by any act of disobedience to, or even by any direct violation of the law of God. This theory — for it was not, and is not necessarily, anything more than a purely theoretical doctrine, and many professors of Antinomianism, as a matter of fact, led, and lead, lives quite as moral as those of their opponents — was not only a more or less natural outgrowth from the distinctively Protestant principle of justification by faith, but probably also the result of an erroneous view taken with regard to the relation between the Jewish and Christian dispensations and the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Doubtless a confused understanding of the Mosaic ceremonial precepts and the fundamental moral law embodied in the Mosaic code was to no small extent operative in allowing the conception of true Christian liberty to grow beyond all reasonable bounds, and to take the form of a theoretical doctrine of unlimited licentiousness. . . .
. . .it is not always an easy matter to determine with any degree of precision how far certain forms and offshoots of Calvinism, Socinianism, or even Lutheranism, may not be susceptible of Antinomian interpretations; while at the same time it must be remembered that many sects and individuals holding opinions dubiously, or even indubitably, of an Antinomian nature, would indignantly repudiate any direct charge of teaching that evil works and immoral actions are no sins in the case of justified Christians. The shades and gradations of heresy here merge insensibly the one into the other. To say that a man cannot sin because he is justified is very much the same thing as to state that no action, whether sinful in itself or not, can be imputed to the justified Christian as a sin. Nor is the doctrine that good works do not help in promoting the sanctification of an individual far removed from the teaching that evil deed do not interfere with it. There is a certain logical nexus between these three forms of the Protestant doctrine of justification that would seem, to have its natural outcome in the assertion of Antinomianism. The only doctrine that is conclusively and officially opposed to this heresy, as well as to those forms of the doctrine of justification by faith alone that are so closely connected with it both doctrinally and historically, is to be found in the Catholic dogma of Faith, Justification, and Sanctification.
We hope that clears things up for readers; it will certainly tempt Bluestem to scrutinize our neighbors here in Chippewa County --especially who follow doctrine espoused by those heretics Luther and Calvin. Like these guys.
Dean's kvetching about fems is pretty old school homophobia. However, we suspect that he maybe totally original in linking changes in church policy, deliberated by membership and clergy, to both Presidential appointments and antimonianism Whatever the case may be, we'll hazard a guess that Obama's appointees were selected on the basis of prior job performance (works) and not faith alone.
Dean has also produced an hour and nineteen minute YouTube about spitting, an endless screed about teh gay., We only lasted through about a half hour, but perhaps readers will have more stamina and stomach for it. It opens with a mashup of video from a pro-equality for-profit t-shirt company:
We must confess that we haven't had much time to commit to Dean, given that there's a four-way Republican gubernatorial campaign going on, nor are we sure we swallow anything Dean's producing.
Bradlee Dean first gained national attention when he questioned President Obama's faith in a prayer given as guest chaplain in the Minnesota House; later he unsuccessfully tried suing Rachel Maddow for defamation. Right Wing Watch's "Bradlee Dean" keyword is instructive.
Photo: Bradlee Dean.
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