A reader calls our attention to the image above, crossposted on Bradlee Dean and the Sons of Liberty Radio Show's Facebook pages.
The cropped and PhotoShopped image--a still from the Coen Brothers film, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, was first published in 2011 (as near as we can establish)on politifake.org, a channel created byMolinetwork. The user is thatmyguy, who wove the context of the film into the parody. The image enjoyed something of a vogue in 2012, turning up on posts like the Western Journalism Center's post Why Did Obama Throw Holder Under The Bus?. ( Who are they? HuffPo took a look in 2009 at the Joseph Farah founded organization in The Return of the Western Journalism Center.)
Here's the uncropped image:
But while the creator worked the movie origins of the image--fair game in political parody--not so Bradlee Dean's crop shot work today. And as the comments captured in our screenshot show, that floating signifaction turned the discussion from the quirky George Clooney vehicle loosely based on Homer's "Odyssey," to the racial fantasies of some of Dean's fans.
Somehow we doubt the commenter who wrote "Raisins in the Sun" understands much about the Lorraine Hansberry play or "Harlem," Langston Hughes' poem from which the play's title is drawn.
And the next comment, "hang both of those idiots" speaks for itself.
Classy bunch there among Dean's followers.
Bradlee Dean first gained national attention when he questioned President Obama's faith in a prayer given as guest chaplain in the Minnesota House; later he unsuccessfully tried suing Rachel Maddow for defamation. Right Wing Watch's "Bradlee Dean" keyword is instructive.
Screenshot: From the Facebook page of The Sons of Liberty Radio Show.
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