Bluestem's editor nearly spit out coffee laughing at this item in Blois Olson's Morning Take for Tuesday:
CD7: Yesterday the Minnesota GOP released a video of Rep. Colin Peterson campaigning in Arkansas and offering seats on the House Agriculture committee. WATCH: NOTE: GOPers are noting that Peterson chose to attend this fundraiser in Arkansas rather than attend a flood diversion project in Breckenridge.
Here's the MNGOP's press release.
Give us candy: seats on the House Ag Committee
Why is this so funny? First, we're mildly surprised that the Republican Party of Minnesota is suddenly adverse to House leadership talking about offering seats on the ag committee. After all, Minnesota Public Radio's Tom Scheck reported in 2010 that Boehner promises Demmer a spot on the Ag Committee.
Perhaps Keith Downey can ask Speaker Boehner for an apology.
Breckenridge meeting
In Gov. Dayton listens to area residents’ flood concerns, Wahpeton/Breckenridge Daily News staff writer Carrie McDermott reported:
Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton met with Wilkin and Richland county leaders, state legislators, area farmers and citizens Wednesday in Breckenridge, to hear their views on the F-M Diversion Project and the negative impacts it will have on area property owners.
In a packed Wilkin County courtroom, Minnesota State Rep. Paul Marquart, who criticized the Diversion Authority over the Oxbow-Hickson-Bakke ring dike project in July, said the Diversion Project needs to follow a process, follow Minnesota state law and ensure that Minnesota is protected. . . .
Westrom was there, but isn't quoted in the article, and he's not sure how he feels abou it--since it's another issue he hasn't done much about, as our google search, nexis review and other searches reveal. Curiously enough, Westrom is supposed to represent Wilkin County in the state senate.
Peterson? One can google it. Or look for what citizens are saying about his involvement and the votes to back them up. On August 21, 2014, another Defending Richland-Wilkin Counties letter in the Wahpeton/Breckenridge Daily News noted:
Dayton’s condemnation was followed by a statement from Minn. Congressman Collin Peterson on a local news station. For the past two years Peterson has been a steady and tireless voice of reason trying to broker a compromise between the Diversion Authority and its opponents. He has met with both sides separately, together, and with other leaders, acting as a moderator by prodding and pushing both sides to come to an accommodation. . . .
Who's been AOL on this issue for Minnesota residents? Not Peterson.
Photo: Peterson (foreground) discussing conservation efforts in the Red River Valley. Via the Dickinson Press.
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