Early this month, Bluestem noted in Knoblach liked ancient endorsements enough to put on lit, groups making them not so much:
In a letter published on August 17, 2014, Julia Stewart and Linda Hamilton wrote the Times editors in Nurses back Dorholt, not Knoblach:
It's recently come to our attention that printed campaign materials from former Rep. Jim Knoblach continue to name the Minnesota Nurses Association in the past endorsements section. This information is misleading to voters and misrepresents the campaign endorsement process.
The 20,000 members of the Minnesota Nurses Association select candidates for endorsement based on their positions on issues important to nurses, patients and working families. This process happens each election season. While some candidates might be endorsed in one election season, they may not be in the next.
During the 2014 endorsement process, Knoblach did not respond to MNA's request to participate. Rep. Zach Dorholt, however, did respond and his answers showed him to be an advocate for nurses and deserving of the endorsement of our 20,000 members. . .
In a new letter to the St. Cloud Times, Carrie Wasley of the Minnesota Association of Public Employees (MAPE) wiites in Knoblach's tactics deserve scrutiny:
As the PAC chair of the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, I am concerned former House Rep. Jim Knoblach used our name in campaign fliers — such as the ones labeled "Past Support" — which insinuate he has our support today.
This statement is misleading and offensive to the hardworking members of MAPE.
Our union represents more than 13,000 state employees. We hold elected officials to high standards, and we don't take our endorsement process lightly. Actions speak louder than words and House Rep. Zach Dorholt has acted in the best interest of our members. Dorholt has a 100 percent voting record on MAPE issues.
MAPE is not the first group referenced by Knoblach to boast about his past work. It is suspect that a former legislator would be toting our endorsement when he didn't bother to ask for it during this election cycle. Perhaps, he would have if he did not have an opponent who measured up to the 100 percent support Dorholt has on labor issues.
Voters in St. Cloud should take these statements seriously and ask themselves if Knoblach is willing to blur lines and misinform community members now, where will he draw the line if elected?
It's a fair question.
Image: Asked and answered about MAPE's name in the headline. Appears that Knoblach is hoping no asks questions about these claims about moribund endorsements by organizations that now support his opponent, incumbent DFLer Zach Dorholt.
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