On September 1, the Islamophobes at the Central Minnesota Tea Party posted an urgent call on their blog in the post Changing Demographic’s In The St. Cloud Area:
If you are concerned about the out of control demographic changes and the deleterious effects it is having on your neighborhoods and communities, call Greg and plan on attending the event posted below. You can contact Greg at [email protected] or 320-420-1700. Just FYI, Mr Thissen has already met with members of MAS-MN, a Muslim Brotherhood front group, at MAS-MN’s Annual Muslim Day at the Capitol last year:St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce members are invited to attend a round table discussion with Minnesota Speaker of the House Paul Thissen. Representative Thissen desires to engage with the St. Cloud business community and learn more about factors that have contributed to the area’s economic growth. . . .
So how did that work out? The St. Cloud Times reports in Minimum wage bump is hot topic at chamber discussion:
Of the two major topics that came up Wednesday in a business roundtable, one is in the rear view mirror from a legislative standpoint and the other is bearing down the middle of the road for the next session.
The recent law raising Minnesota’s minimum wage and a need to find funding for road and bridge work were top of mind for many in a group of about 40 people who peppered Paul Thissen, speaker of the state’s House of Representatives, with opinions in a conference room at the St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce.
Thissen, DFL-Minneapolis, spoke for about 15 minutes before taking a dozen comments and questions. He said the premier issue facing the state in 2015 will be infrastructure. The audience addressed that and other concerns, including a tax and regulatory climate that is leading some businesses to leave the state. . .
Of course, the Central Minnesota Tea Party blog has weighed in on the minimum wage as well; a member believes there should be none, because freedom.
As for Muslim Day at the state capitol, we're not sure where the United States Constitution or state constitution waived the right of any citizens to assemble and contact legislators based on religion (or non-faith for that matter). But this is the crowd who seem comfortable with the notion that whole communities can be designated no refugee zones.
It's a non-partisan event, too, since Senator Dan Hall, one of founders of the MNGOP's Minority Liberty Alliance, also spoke to the group. Perhaps the Tea Party can explain to Senator Hall, formerly a legislative chaplain, why he should snub groups based on religion. We suspect they won't be happy with his answer.
Photo: Dan Hall speaking at the 2014 Muslim Day at the capitol. Via Facebook (where he's misidentified as Senator Dan Cook).
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