Another student turned away in 12A.
— Erik Hatlestad (@ehatlestad) November 4, 2014
Bluestem contacted the Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State's communications director Nation Bowie about the situation facing college students living on campus at the University of Minnesota at Morris who are trying to use their student ID cards to vote.
We reported ealrier today on the story in our post, MN12A: University of Minnesota-Morris students allegedly denied right to vote in Stevens County. Stevens County and the campus are located in the hotly-contested race for Minnesota House District 12A, as well as Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District, which is warmer than ordinary.
According to a statement from Bowie, the OSS is aware of the situation and has advised the county of the proper manner to process student voters' needs:
Yes, we called the county elections office and discussed the issue: the students are allowed to use a college ID as a proof of residence in combination with the student housing list (that has been provided by the university), or in combination with a bill.
In addition to providing a proof of residence, all Election Day registrants must fill out the voter registration application (see attached) — and it is up to the voter to decide which box applies to them in regard to section 7.
Just 50 minutes ago, MPIRG organizer Erik Hatlestad tweeted that students continue to be turned away:
Three more students were just turned away, demanding driver's licenses rather than their student IDs.
— Erik Hatlestad (@ehatlestad) November 4, 2014
Bluestem will continue to post about this developing story.
Photo: via twitter by MPIRG organizer Erik Hatlestad.
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