Bluestem's editor is saddened to learn of the death of Mr. Harvey, her high school freshman English teacher who taught her the Greek myths and a love of poetry.
There's a wonderful tribute to this man--much of it in the words of other former students--by Mark Fischenich in the Mankato Free Press. Take some time to read St. Peter mourns death of ear-tugging, poetry loving, respect-commanding English teacher, a long profile of the "an Iowa farm boy who never married" who started teaching after serving in World War II and the Korean War.
I remember him well, especially the day when he had brought a bow to class when we were studying the Odyssey. He'd asked a number of the boys to string "brave Odysseus's bow" and none had been able to do so.
Being a pretty sassy girl who also bow hunted, I volunteered to try, and while some of the other students were not amused, Mr. Harvey knew more about the world than they, and let me try. Of course I strung the bow, and he helped me lift it in triumph. Or least that's the way I remember it.
Posting will be light over the weekend, as I'm at the Minnesota Farmers Union convention.
Photo: Mr. Harvey, via the Mankato Free Press.
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