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Nov 02, 2014


Max Hailperin

That truly is a remarkable list. Here's another aspect of Cilek's letter that's reality-challenged: what he proposes doing in response to "a call ... alleging a blatant, ongoing, unlawful activity in the polling place." He says that MVA will (among other things) "send witnesses to the scene to gather more data as needed." Recall that the scene is "in the polling place." So, exactly what witnesses could go there? Minnesota Statutes section 204C.06 has the answer, and it isn't a very long list. Unless MVA has at their disposal some properly credentialed news media representatives (or some even less likely possibilities), I don't see how they can legally make good on this. In fact, they wouldn't even be allowed within 100 feet of the building.

Phoenix Woman

Shades of Billy Rehnquist harassing nonwhite voters at Arizona polling places.

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