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Mar 17, 2015


Merle Hanson

This is going to be interesting. Many levels to this to this discussion.

Robley Henry

Here in Kenyon, folks are agitated. There is no support for this locally. If our Rep "Draz" wants to push this, he risks what has been an automatic GOP seat for decades.

R. Nygaard

I will suggest anyone interested in getting correct information please plan to attend the below upcoming meeting:
Rep.Drazkowski/Garafalo have not left the station without their constituents despite the language.
Within the Law It is up to the FRA/Federal Rail Authority not MN Legislators to determine if the outcome will be "No Build" or one of the alternatives.
HF920 which protects MN taxpayers will be heard on Wed.

APRIL 9, 2015
Thursday 6:00-8:00 pm

On Hwy. 19, east side of Cannon Falls
820 Minnesota St. East, Cannon Falls, MN 55009

CCARL(Found on Facebook)


The decision about a route vs. "No Build" for ZipRail is in the hands of the FRA/Federal Rail Authority
Rep. Drazkowski/Garafalo are working within the law to provide protections for MN taxpayers.HF920 is designed to do that. It will be heard on Wed. 3/25.
A private entity whether a MN resident or foreign investor must abide by law. Likewise our legislators when writing legislation must abide by the law.
"No Build" remains the first choice of grassroots Minnesotans and their representatives at the county & state level.

For accurate information please plan to attend:

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
On Hwy. 19, east side of Cannon Falls
820 Minnesota St. East, Cannon Falls, MN 55009


Heather Arndt

There are many reasons to be opposed to this project,funding sources is just one.

There are the very real safety issues associated with this plan. Studies have shown the danger high speed rail possess in the winter between kicking up blinding snow to dropping heavy chunks from the wheel wells. Both of which are very dangerous to those of us using the adjacent or 'under the elevated rail' line roadways. The northern part of Leon Township has been designated an active sinkhole plane. Already the FRA and STB have denied on-ground rail lines in active karst areas due to the danger of derailment. The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has already upheld the validity of these dangers and denied the building of rail in karst areas.
Now imagine the increased level of danger to both passengers and road users an elevated 200+mph train presents. The possibility of karst collapse and train derailment are very real.

The rail corridor goes through Decorah-Shale overlay areas which protect our ground water. If these are compromised our waters are exposed to rapid movement of contaminates. 80% of Goodhue County's water comes from 2 of 3 aquifers and 2 are in the rail path. Not hard to see the dangers that presents to more than just the folks who live near the proposed lines.

Yes, the ZipRail project has as many layers as an onion, Rep Drazkowski's bill just addresses one.

Heather Arndt

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