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Apr 28, 2015



Compare the case of Sam Johnson to that of Mohamed Osman Mohamud (2010 Portland car bomb plot). Both told undercover FBI operatives that they identified targets to bomb for ideological reasons. But one is an "armed career criminal" and the other is a terrorist. One got a 15 year prison sentence, that probably would have been just 7 if it wasn't for ACCA mandatory sentencing (As the judge considered 15 years to be "too harsh") ; the other got a 30 year prison sentence with lifetime supervision. One is a would-be cause celebre for gun lobbyists like the Gun Owners' of America. One's case is up for review in the Supreme Court on the pretext that a person who "merely possesses" a sawed off shotgun does not represent a serious risk of physical harm, the same way he "merely" possessed an ideology that led him to join a neo-Nazi group who openly calls the United States to be purged of all non-straight-white-cis people.

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