UPDATE April 28: Thanks for all of the contributions! While readers can give to Bluestem at any time they're feeling generous, Bluestem's ending this blog begathon a few days early. Readers' help has been much appreciated.
"April is the cruelest month," T.S. Eliot famously wrote in The Wasteland, but Bluestem Prairie is asking for kindness from our readers during our April 2015 donor drive.
If you appreciate our original reporting on Greater Minnesota politics and policy, please consider making a contribution. Since we're not a non-profit, any donations are not tax deductible, just as subscriptions to newspapers and magazines are not.
Please give:
You can mail contributions (payable to Sally Jo Sorensen P.O. Box 108, Maynard MN 56260) or use the paypal button below:
Email subscribers can contribute via this link to paypal; use email sally.jo.sorensen at gmail.com as recipient.
By helpful us out, you'll be supporting independent investigative "enterprise" blogging that goes beyond talking points and press releases, as well as analysis of news reports. We pick up stories from the rural press that might be overlooked, as well as covering policy making at the state capitol that other venues might be overlooking.
Think of the stories you've read first on Bluestem Prairie: an unofficial task force meeting at the state legislature in which a sitting state senator attacked the chair of the Citizens Board of the MPCA as not being part of "real ag" on her family's farm, attacks on pollinator-friendly policy by a pesticide industry lobbyist, Islamophobia in Western Minnesota, the movers and shakers behind the Zip Rail, and today, ALEC's little brother offering free memberships to your local elected officials, while also recommending that they spend precious city and county funds to attend their lavish annual meeting in San Diego.
We've uncovered the money behind campaign and independent expenditures--and related it to policy changes proposed at the state capitol.
And who could forget tales of Republican House candidate Bob Frey's claims that dinosaurs and people have always lived together?
Our posts are regularly picked up by national venues like Daily Kos, Mother Jones, and Right Wing Watch, while we're cited frequently in MinnPost's Glean, the City Pages Blotter and the Star Tribune. The Washington Post's Fix includes us among the Best State Blogs, and both the Star Tribune and Pioneer Press include our feed among that of the best of local blogs. Many of our articles are crossposted at the Twin Cities Daily Planet and The Column.
We've been posting for over 8 1/2 years, and with your help, we'll keep going.
You can mail contributions (payable to Sally Jo Sorensen P.O. Box 108, Maynard MN 56260) or use the paypal button below:
Email subscribers can contribute via this link to paypal; use email sally.jo.sorensen at gmail.com as recipient.
We also accept advertising and sponsorships. Please email for details.
Thank you!
Photo: Money growing on trees. An extensive investigation by Bluestem Prairie has determined it doesn't grow there, but rather in the generous contributions of our readers. Please consider a donation.