Update: Listen to the audio here from March 26th 2015, about HF 537 in Hamilton's Ag Finance Committee, hearing testimony on this global agreement. The full compromise language (SF 517) was heard in committee, and passed in the Senate as part of SF2101 (Art. 2, 4). This history still doesn't explain why House didn't accept Senate Language in Conference Report.
In Minnesota Environmental Partnership: Vote no on HF846 conference committee report, Bluestem noted that one of the objections was:
Breaks the Compromise Agreement on Biofuels: The signed agreement between energy, agriculture, and environment stakeholders would establish the next-generation biofuel industry in Minnesota. This bill violates that agreement, undercutting our ability to establish perennial crops for ethanol production and develop new beneficial agricultural systems to protect and restore our lakes, rivers and streams in some our most polluted watersheds in the heart of ag country.
Here's the agreement:
MEP Biofuels Economy Agreement
Photo: Bales of potential biofuels.
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