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Jun 23, 2015



I've known Sally Jo for over ten years, and I've never known her to be anything but honest and straightforward. She does not see value in playing fast and loose with the facts. If Sally Jo was wrong here or anywhere else, she'd simply admit it and correct the error. That she is standing by both her research and reporting should tells me--and should tell other readers--that we should take this issue seriously.


Alyssa comments about Tomassoni having "...on AT&T, he has five bars, full service already, when he is able to get to his cabin...". I assume this is a discussion about telephone service signal strength and not beverages.Right?

Looking at my phone as I sit on the open plains near Mankato, the Verizon Service has "two bars". Wow! FIVE BARS IN THE NORTH WOODS! Those darn Republicans are sure letting us down here in southern Minnesota.

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