An editorial from the Duluth News Tribune is getting reprinted across the Forum Communications chain (witness its appearance in the Worthington Globe, in the far southwest region of the state).
Enter Rep. Tom Hackbarth (R-Cedar) with A Lawmaker's Response: ‘Growlers’ overlook provisions good for Duluth, greater Minnesota:
A News Tribune editorial and a commentary penned by a Minnesota House member from Duluth, both published a week ago today, painted the Legislature’s 2015 action with a broad brush of negativity (Our View: “Priorities, nonmetro Minnesota snubbed,” and Lawmaker’s View: “Session ends with disappointment”).
It was enough to make a reader wonder if the paper and Rep. Jennifer Schultz were under the misconception the popular Growler Bill we passed this year referred to dispositions instead of breweries. . . .
Well, no, Tom. We doubt that's crossed anyone's mind, especially in Duluth, a center for craft brewing in Minnesota.
Moreover, a quick glance at Al Juhnke's post Outstate News (6-21-2015) at his MiddleMinnesota (Views of a Moderate Pol) blog shows that the Duluth News Tribune and the freshman legislator aren't alone in expressing concern about the session. Juhnke includes ten articles, including the editorial, in his weekly news digest.
But perhaps Hackbarth can mansplain all this to Duluth residents, who might not think of themselves as "The Range."
Photo: Tom Hackbarth.
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