Bluestem looks forward to enlightenment each weekday from the Minnesota 7th Congressional District Republican Party's Facebook page and since it's Tuesday, we're not disappointed.
As the screenshot at the top of this post indicates, the social media maven running the official Facebook page of the Republican Party for Minnesota's Seventh Congressional district is deeply distressed that Halloween is banned in Connecticut because Muslims:
Get it? #God & #Jesus #Banned. Now #Ghosts, #Goblins, #Witches, & even Satan Banned too! Can't offend those #Muslims now can we.
The page administrator then shares an article from the Conservative Post, Halloween BANNED In This State To Avoid ‘Offending Muslims’.
We suppose that's frightening, but as we searched for the truth about this new atrocity, we simply learned that the Republicans in Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District is as concerned with finding the truth about the scary story as they are in finding someone to run against Blue Dog Democrat Collin Peterson.
In short not at all.
The Rothenblog reported in Ratings Change in Two Minnesota House Districts in mid-October:
In the 7th District, Republicans love to target DFL Rep. Collin Peterson. He represents a sprawling western Minnesota district that Mitt Romney carried by 10 points in 2012 and Arizona Sen. John McCain won by 4 points in 2008 in the last two presidential races.
Republicans thought they had a quality challenger to Peterson last cycle, but the congressman easily defeated state Rep. Torrey Westrom, 54 percent to 46 percent, even though it was a terrible year for Democrats.
The GOP lean of the district should make Peterson vulnerable, but he has proven to be a formidable incumbent and Republicans have yet to unearth a top-tier challenger, or any challenger at all. The seat will be a top takeover opportunity once Peterson retires, but for now, we’re changing the Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report/Roll Call rating from Democrat Favored to Safe for Democrats.
With Torrey Westrom refraining from fundraising, there's not just the absence of a top-tier candidate, there's no Republican candidate at all.
As for the ban on Halloween in Connecticut, the New Haven Register reports in Milford school system reverses stance, Halloween parades back on:
Halloween - unless one’s religion deems it satanic, sinful and worthy of godly condemnation - conjures images of carefree children dressed as witches, goblins, or Elsa from “Frozen,” skipping down sidewalks amid the rustle of fall leaves, rushing to the next house where, if luck holds, a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup instead of a packet of dried-out raisins awaits.
But, in Milford, Conn., Halloween now has another association: a PC, PR catastrophe.
Last week, elementary schools in the city of 52,000 that tried to limit celebration of the holiday to protect those who might not wish to participate faced accusations that they were trying to ban Halloween. As a result, they’ve walked the restrictions back - under protest. . . .
This is not the first time a Halloween grinch has visited Milford. About a decade ago, the issue came up when Bishop Jay Ramirez of the city’s Kingdom Life Christian Church spoke out against the holiday, asking why witches were allowed when religious celebrations were verboten. (Ironically, Halloween has Celtic roots, but also a definitive Christian influence.)
“We are adding our voice to the many,” Ramirez said in 2004. “We have a responsibility to share God’s point of view and provide a light that others can follow. Milford claims to be tolerant until you say something they don’t agree with.” . . .
So the Halloween Parades are back on in one school district, while trick or treating will go on as normal in Connecticut. Boo!
Socialist Collin Peterson lures Tim Miller into collective hunt
In MN07 Republican social media maven detects Collin Peterson's creeping covert communism, Bluestem explored the socialist world of our conservative Democratic congressman, the Democratic member of the House most willing to buck his party according to the Washington Post article, Here are the members of Congress who vote against their party the most.
That must have caused state representative Tim Miller, R-Prinsburg, to drop his guard. On Saturday, he posted on Facebook that he had gone pheasant hunting with the congressman:
Sources tell us that Miller, rather than Peterson, initiated the contact about the hunt, but no matter. Miller, who has insisted on the floor of the state House that he's not king of Minnesota, joined Peterson's party at the Montevideo VIP Hunt at the Watson Hunting Club.
At Northland Outdoors, Bret Amundson describes the event in Where pheasants are king and hunters VIPs. If pheasants are king, we certainly understand why Miller doesn't want anyone mistaking him for one. Some pretty good shots were on that hunt.
Miller's Facebook friends engaged in some good-natured teasing of the freshman state legislator:
Matt Dean Why are you holding that thing like a Yorkie?
Tim Miller LOL!!!
I was told to pose like this.Gary Swenson By whom, Collin?
Tim Miller Person holding camera. It seemed less girly at the time.
Gary Swenson Well, OK, but PETA will not be fooled!!
Bluestem is pleased to see Comrade Peterson bring our state representative into the manly activities of robust agrarian socialism like pheasant and duck hunting. District residents had expressed concern upon seeing Miller's suburban karaoke bromance with state senator Dave Thompson posted to Facebook:
This will be a forever memory of Dave Thompson singing "God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy". I want to make fun of him but he was too good at karaoke and too great a friend. Thankful to know him. Blessed to know him. Thanks for joining us Quinn Cheney, one of my newest friends.
Male bonding is a wonderful thing, but there are limits.
Update: At the Strib, Allison Sherry reports in Stu Rothenberg: Kline's open seat "toss up", Nolan "leans Dem," Peterson "safe":
In the Seventh, Peterson handily won his seat in 2014, even though national GOP groups pumped $8 million into the race to try and portray the congressman as a creature of Washington. No Republican has stepped up so far to run against Peterson next year.
Perhaps they're too eager to join collective hunting parties.
Photos: Screengrabs from Facebook.
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Yay for druids!
Posted by: janet polansky | Oct 27, 2015 at 08:12 PM