Bluestem is continuing to search for evidence to back up the claim asserted to the Rochester Post Bulletin by a spokester for the North American High Speed Rail Group that it is " negotiating with the owners of the XpressWest proposal for the chance to build and operate the corridor."
We explored our search so far in last week's post, Why did the North American High Rail Group delete page about negotiations with XpressWest?
In the page below, we embed a pdf of the presentation XpressWest made to the Nevada High-Speed Rail Authority on the day it was awarded the franchise, and the XpressWest application for the project is found here on the website.
In a brief phone interview, rail authority contact person David Clyde said that the XpressWest presentations did not include mention of the North American High Speed Rail Group, but said that questions of this nature are best addressed to XpressWest or its parent company, the Marnell Companies.
Our call to Nevada attorney Greg Gilbert, who represents Marnell Companies, has not been returned.
In other news, our data practices request to the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) for the business plan for the metro-to-Rochester line has been approved and we eagerly await the arrival of the disk from MNDOT.
The company purports to be able to build a private HSR line between Rochester and the Twin Cities without public funds, but Citizens Concerned About Rail Lane (CCARL), groups like the Minnesota Farmers Union and local governments in between the stops have reservations about the project.
For news about a recent CCARLS meeting, check out the Cannon Falls Beacon article, CCARL meeting draws big crowd. The next CCARLS meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Thursday, December 3 at the Cannon Falls High School auditorium.
XpressWest Presentation to NV HSRA 11-18-15
Image: A friend suggested that this snowpiercing high-speed train might be a great illustration for the hypothetical NAHSRG shortline between the Twin Cities and Rochester. Just teasing, we hope.
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