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Mar 31, 2016


Jack Spreck

Cornish is also the legislator who told 2 million dog owners that we should "just accept" our dogs being killed in body grip traps. He seems willing to let a few thousand trappers violate the constitutional right to hunt of 300,000 hunters.

Jonathan Marchand

I checked out his Facebook page a bit. Wow. It's everything you would expect. Fervent Trump supporter, self aggrandizing narcissist, false humility, and a dose of good ol' boy to boot.

Editor's note: We just checked out the page and we saw nothing about Donald Trump.

John Zanmiller

According to the Natioanl Institute for Correction and the DOJ, released offenders are statistically LESS likely to reoffend when they live with pro-social family members.

Jonathan Marchand

This is one that gives away his position.

"Trump's opponents are at it again. Now they make a big stink about his taxes and how he doesn't pay as much taxes as he should. So Trump comes out and says of course he doesn't like paying taxes he does everything he can do to get out of paying taxes any claims every cent of expense to get out of Taxes. Just like most Americans. Nobody really likes paying taxes and that's why they keep every receipt possible , to get as many write offs as possible. So Trump, embraces the policy, and make them look like fools. When will they learn. They need to talk about what they will do and how they will fix the country"

Editor's note: Can you supply a date and link to the post on Cornish's Facebook page?

Jonathan Marchand

That is a post he made on his personal page on February 25th. There is a little back and forth regarding his thoughts about Mitt Romney's speech dated March 4th. I'd link to the post if I could, but I am only able to link to his entire page and not an individual post. I could do a screenshot?

Editor's note:
Here's the February 25 post URL:


Here's the March 4 post:


This editing software probably would make those links "hot" so reader wishing to look at Jonathan's references will have to copy them and view them that way. You will probably have to be signed into Facebook to see them.

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