While tensions over refugee resettlement in St. Cloud dominate news about Greater Minnesota and New Americans, that narrative isn't accurate for the entire state.
Take Mankato.
In Speaker series to host Muslim perspective, Brian Arola reports in the Mankato Free Press
Abdi Sabrie said of the places he’s lived since moving from Somalia as a young man — among them Boston, Washington, D.C., and Georgia — no place was quite as welcoming and open-minded to him as a Muslim than Mankato was.
Mankato’s special place in his heart led him to want to give back to make the community an even better place for his seven children — he serves on the School Board.
Since moving here, he’s also worked to foster relationships and understanding between the Muslim population and the rest of the city.
His latest effort will come Friday as part of the First Presbyterian Church’s First Fridays at First Church speaker series.
Sabrie said he plans to share what it’s like living as a Muslim and black person in Mankato. Although his experience has been positive, he said there’s always room to growth. . . .
Read the rest at the Free Press.
Last November, KEYC-TV reported that Abdi Sabrie Wins Seat on District 77 School Board.
Here's a chance to listen to the perspective of an elected official who is Muslim and Somali--rather than the Ron Branstners and Bob Enoses, who have yet to be picked for any office by the citizens of Greater Minnesota.
Photo: Mankato School Board member Abdi Sabrie, via KEYC-TV.
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