Update: We've slightly altered the headline, putting quotation marks around the word "bullies," which we meant to use ironically. A reader questioned the headline construction and we hope this slight clarification helps.
Update, July 20, 2:09: There may be more sides to this story than the one Rep. Miller is sharing. From the Facebook page of Big Stone County photographer and former Clara City newspaper editor John G. White:
Earlier today I shared a post from Bluestem Prairie concerning a political rally at Hinterland Vineyard. This led to a conversation with Aric, the owner, thanks to Lee Kanten, and I provided an update. Here it is again:
Aric just called to say that due to this posting he learned what the event entailed, and that he has cancelled it. "This is not what we stand for," he said. A few weeks ago they lost their house to a fire and that has taken up most of their time and effort, and he has not kept up with the events of the day, and was "blindsided" upon learning about the intent of the fundraiser. "I don't know where they're going with it, but rest assured, it is not going to happen at Hinterland Vineyard." So, let's give them some slack and applaud their righting an awkward and horrendous situation. Thank you, Aric, for make the correct decision.
Clearly, a somewhat different take on the cancellation than what Miller posted. [end update]
UPDATE #2: Draz throws in the "s" word in his post about the change of location:
The socialist bullies will not win. Please attend if you can! [end of update #2]
Two hours ago, Tim Miller posted this notice on his Facebook page:
SHORT NOTICE. PLEASE NOTE - My fundraising event featuring Rep. Steve Drazkowski August 1st has moved! For four years I have held a dinner and wine tasting at this location, but this year bullies have attacked the small business owners and went to social media telling people to boycott their winery simply because my good friend Rep. Drazkowski is joining me and will be talking about his work to hold Congresswoman Ilhan Omar accountable to the law.
I have always rented this winery on a night they are normally closed. The small business owners do nothing to promote or endorse my event. Yet they were personally attacked and their livelihoods threatened if they allowed it to be held this year.
I’m not going to let the bullies win. However, I’m also not going to allow them to drag these two good people into it either. So I have decided to move my event to the Montevideo American Legion.
Please join Steve and me for a wonderful night. Don’t let the bullies win. I won’t.
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