UPDATE: Julie Buria has reduced the public view of her personal Facebook page to allow viewing only her cover page, profile portrait, those she follows and pages she has liked.
UPDATE #2: The Mesabi Tribune reported back in July, GOP-endorsed House candidate compares COVID-19 response to the Holocaust. She's retracted her apology, the paper reported on Tuesday, August 4:‘I was forced to’: GOP-endorsed candidate retracts apology. There's this gem: "Buria said multiple times in the meeting that “Jews are not offended,” " in the article. Peculiar, given the objection from Jewish Community Action.
On Wednesday, we posted something of a casual timeline in Wabasha County GOP Facebook post only latest offensive trope from Minnesota Republicans .
Unfortunately, it's not the last one.
This Thursday morning, we're greeted on Twitter by this:
Just days after public acknowledgment from @mngop that the Wabasha GOP's Holocaust-themed meme was offensive, their endorsed House candidate in 6A (and sitting Mountain Iron City Council member) shared this meme on her FB page. Where is the bottom?
— Jewish Community Action (@JCA_MN) July 30, 2020
CW: Graphic Holocaust imagery. pic.twitter.com/3Yc2cy6ySs
JCA later tweeted a correction--"This candidate is endorsed by @mngop in 6B, not 6A."
As a JCA leader tweeted:
No idea if the crack comms team at MNGOP sends out a style guide to all of their endorsed candidates, but here is one I've prepared free of charge:
— hodel in the streets, chava in the sheets (@mrotzie) July 30, 2020
"No more Nazi shit for five seconds, bobos."
Julie Buria appears to have deleted the post from her personal Facebook page. Her campaign Facebook page is a compendium of pro-mining, pro-lignite coal, and pro-law-enforcement materials.
She's challenging first term lawmaker Dave Lislegard, DFL-Aurora. As the screengrab at the top of this post shows, tying Lislegard to Walz and The Evil Metro --and pandemic public health measures--is a keystone of her message.
At Minnesota Brown, Aaron Brown included the contest in a June 7 post Competitive legislative races slated across Northland:
In House 6B, State Rep. David Lislegard (DFL-Aurora), a construction company official, will face Republican Julie Buria, a Mountain Iron City Councilor and school bus driver.
In 2018, Lislegard carried almost 62 percent of the vote in his district. However, in 2016, Trump carried a plurality in this district as well.
The last three election cycles have shown closer races in Iron Range legislative districts, but they still lean to the DFL. Though statewide DFLers run neck-and-neck with the GOP here, local Democrats have maintained an advantage.
Earlier this week, Buria's campaign committee pre-primary report at the Minnesota Campaign Finance board taking in $6,348.00 since the beginning of the year (beginning balance $1,262.17). After spending $2,795.93, the committee had $4,814.24 cash on hand.
Her opponent began the year 2020 with $32,177.71 in the bank, raised $16,890.00, and spent enough so that $40,934.71 was left in the bank.
Screengrab: Incumbent state representative Lislegard and Governor Walz. As the commenter notes, undated photo.
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