We drove off the Coteau down to Ortonville to check out a Drive-Thru Victory Party in a park beside Big Stone Lake on Sunday, not certain if we'd make it in a wind predicted to gust to 50 mph.
Since 2020 election results at the Minnesota Secretary of State's website show that Big Stone County isn't exactly a hot spot of Democratic voters, we weren't sure many people would challenge the wind's dominion to return signs, say hello, and grab a freshly baked cupcake.
Surprisingly, we saw about just over 30 DFLers in half-hour we were there, and organizer Kari Henningson Dorry said that about 50 people stopped by during the two-hour event.
"Make no mistake, in a sea of red there is a fierce bunch of democrats in Big Stone County! These folks show up over and over to volunteer and do the work during campaign season," she wrote in a Twitter direct message.
"We are so grateful to have such a dedicated local DFL group. On this windy day we celebrate a win! One of our passers-through commented that the “winds of change are blowing.” I can’t think of anything more accurate and exciting than that!"
The area was not always dominated by Republicans in partisan federal and state races. As recently as 2012, the House district (12A) was represented by a DFLer, though Barack Obama and Joe Biden narrowly lost to Romney and Ryan by 40 votes. In 2008, all partisan offices on the ballot--from president (Obama) to state representative (Andrew Falk) were won by Democrats.
Everyone wore a mask at the outdoor event and practiced social distancing.
Photos: A Biden flag blowing in the wind (above); DFLers Lila Salls, Roshanda Paulsen, Jerry Goetsch, left to right.