December 27, 2021 Update
According to court records accessible in MCRO, February's criminal case in Ramsey County, 62SU-CR-21-510, is closed. Under a plea agreement, Slater was convicted of DWI - Fourth-Degree Driving While Impaired; Described (169A.27.1), while the other charge, DWI - Third-Degree Driving While Impaired; Refuse to submit to chemical test (169A.26.1(b)), was dismissed.
Here's a screenshot of part of the Sentencing order (we're not posting the PDF of the entire document in MCRO, as it contains his home address):

[UPDATE 2/11/2022] The petition for implied consent (case 62-CV-21-704) was dismissed by the court on February 2, 2022. A related civil case (implied consent) 62-CV-21-704 remains open. [End update]
As we reported in Update: Torry Deron Slater, conservative patriot arrested for Sept. 17 encounter with light pole:
According to records in the Minnesota Judicial Branch/Minnesota Court Records Online, Torry Deron Slater was convicted on December 9, 2021 of a Gross Misdemeanor for DWI - Refuse to submit to chemical test; Breath or test refusal or failure (Traffic - DWI - Third-Degree Driving While Impaired; Criminal Penalty (169A.26.2)).
But the second charge, DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle Under Influence of Alcohol/Traffic - DWI - Fourth-Degree Driving While Impaired; Criminal Penalty (169A.27.2), was dismissed.
The sentencing order, available through MCRO, notes that Slater was sentenced to four days (time served) and "Defendant is placed on Supervised probation for 4 years, monitored by Hennepin County Community Corrections - Adult Field Services." The four-page sentencing order is available through the MCRO system for readers who want the details. . . .
It is to be hoped that Mr. Slater follows the conditions of probation laid out in both state's courts--and this leads him to avoid driving after consuming alcohol. [end update]
June 4 Update:
According to St. Croix County Court records for St Croix County Case Number 2021CF000340 State of Wisconsin vs. Torry Deron Slater, Mr. Slater pled "Guilty to the amended charge of obstructing and [sic]officer Wis Statute: 946.41." This is a Class A misdemeanor, but under the terms of the plea agreement, Slater has received one year probation, a stayed 45 days condition time, and other conditions, including "Absolute sobriety".
Slater stated that the felony charges were dropped. They were in fact amended to a Class A misdemeanor, which can carry a maximum fine of $10,000 and nine months inprisonment. We hope Mr. Slater fulfills the conditions of his year on probation.
As of 3:28 p.m. June 4, the case status was "Open - Electronic filing," so it's possible something might be added to the file.
From the online court record:
Plea/sentencing hearing Vlack, Edward Gross, Gina A
Additional text:
02:36 PM CO: Vlack, DAR: Gross, Clerk: K Kittel. ADA: Bela Alexander Ballo DF ATTY: Shirlene Renee Perrin DF: Torry Deron Slater appeared. Court recalls this matter. State moves to Amend charge to Obstructing an Officer - Wis Statute: 946.41. Atty Ballo recites plea and sentencing recommendations. Atty Perrin files plea questionnaire. Court informs Defendant of charges, possible penalties and rights. Defendant understands and pleads Guilty to the amended charge of obstructing and [sic] officer Wis Statute: 946.41. Court questions Defendant. Court finds that Defendant has freely and voluntarily entered plea and waived rights. Court accepts plea and finds sufficient facts. Court finds Defendant guilty to the amended charge of Obstructiing. Sentencing arguments. DE makes statements. Court orders:
S/W - 1 year porbation [sic] with conditions;
-45 days condition time; stayed
- Court Costs: $243.00 Apply Bond, balance to be pd through probation
- DNA Sample and Surcharge: $ 200.00 Apply Bond, balance to be pd through probation
- AODA within 30 Days
- Cooperate with any other evaluation, assessment and/or program as requested by Agent
- Absolute sobriety: Zero alcohol, zero controlled substances, zero prescribed medications (except as taken and prescribed for you by a physician) in your system, on your person, or in your possession at all times. This prohibition includes drug paraphernalia.
- Not to enter any business or establishment where the primary purpose is sale of alcohol.
- No contact with Officer Max Berger unless it is due to his official capacity as a law enforcement officer.
- Subject to random UA's and PBT's
- Follow rules and regulations of Agent
- Pay supervision fees
DE to sign up for probation by 6/4/2021 by 3:30 pm - if not open, sign up on 6/7/21
20 days to appeal
Adjourned at 2:48 pm.
MAY 20 NOTE: Please read the May 20 correction and apology, as well as the updated material below. We are still waiting for confirmation from the St. Croix County Court records (here) about whether felony charges remain in the Hudson Wisconsin case. Mr. Slater has stated on social media that the charges have been dropped. Should that claim appear in the court records, we will update this post to reflect that information. Yesterday, his Bond/Bail Agreement was modified by an order St. Croix County Circuit Court Judge Scott Needham, suspending the Daily Report Center weekly requirement for testing or calling in, that was part of the terms of his April 8, 2022 bond.
On his Facebook page, Deron Slater posted a prayer request on May 7. A screenshot graces the top of this page.
Slater may live a bit of a double life, if the charges he's facing in Hudson, Wisconsin--and an earlier infraction in New Brighton, Minnesota--are examined.
The Black conservative, who served as "director of the Minnesota chapter of BLEXIT" in 2020, is a frequent defender of law enforcement officers--and critic of men who were killed by police, such as George Floyd and Daunte Wright. He attended the January 6 pro-Trump rally in Washington D.C., but it's unclear whether he entered the capitol, Unicorn Riot reported in D.C. Riots: A Look at the Minnesota Contingent.
Slater has also appeared at public "We The People" gatherings in Waldolf, Owatonna, Rochester and Blooming Prairie with Minnesota House members Jeremy Munson, R-Lake Crystal; John Petersburg, R-Owatonna; Peggy Bennett, R-Albert Lea; and Patty Mueller, R-Austin.
Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Jensen also appeared at the Blooming Prairie event, as this tweet (or screenshot if it is deleted) demonstrates:
He's posted dozens of videos on his Facebook page, where he is followed by 34,877 people.
Yet in two encounters with law enforcement officers in 2021, the conservative activist has been less than respectful.
A street fight outside a Hudson bar
Slater, whose full name is Torry Deron Slater, is scheduled for a preliminary hearing on Wednesday, May 12, according to information listed in St Croix County [WI] Court Case Number 2021CF000340.
UPDATE 5/12/2021, 3:05 p.m-- Here are the notes from Wednesday's "Preliminary hearing and Arraignment" from online case listing for St Croix County Case Number 2021CF000340 State of Wisconsin vs. Torry Deron Slater:
Additional text: 02:41 PM Court Commissioner: Tim Heckmann, Reporter: Tape, Clerk: K Kittel ADA: Bela Alexander Ballo DF ATTY: Shirlene Renee Perrin DF: Torry Deron Slater appeared. Set for PH. Atty Ballo notes the State has offered an agreement. Atty Perrin notes this will be a waiver and that they offer will be accepted. Court advises of rights and possible penalties regarding a preliminary hearing. Court finds DF has freely, voluntarily, and knowingly waived the right to a preliminary hearing, finds probable cause that a felony was committed and the DF probably committed that felony and binds over for trial. [emphasis added]. Atty Ballo notes that the Information will match the complaint. Parties would like to proceed with ARGN* today. Court informs def of charges, possible penalties and rights. Def understands. Waives reading. NG. Waives speedy trial. Court confirms address of DE. Atty Perrin asks if DE's address can be marked confidential or sealed. Court advises to file the request in writing. Bond continues in form and amount. Adjourned at 2:47 pm. Pre-trial conference scheduled for June 4, 2021 at 02:15 pm.
*ARGN: according to a Florida state attorney's site's glossary, this abbreviation stands for:
A formal proceeding in open court at which a defendant stands before a judge with his or her lawyer, to be advised of the charges made against them. This is usually done by the Judge or prosecutor reading to the defendant the Indictment or Information. If the defendant has no lawyer the Court (Judge) will make inquiry and advise the defendant of his right to a public defender and his duty to otherwise procure a lawyer. Matters concerning bail and probable time for the trial are discussed, and the defendant may ask questions of the judge about procedures. At arraignment the defendant is required to enter his or her “plea”, that is, to advise the Judge whether he or she is guilty of the charge, or not guilty of the charge.
Thus, Mr. Slater was arraigned today.
We can appreciate Mr. Slater wanting to keep his current residential address confidential; we had a friend redact the street address from his current residence listed in the documents embedded below.
We'll keep tabs. According to the record, there's a "Pre-trial conference on June 4, 2021 at 02:15 pm." [end update]
UPDATE 5/12/2021, 7:46 p.m.: We recieved a email from Mr. Slater in which he wrote:
Maybe you should mind your damn business and please learn your facts before you make claims. There are tons of mafia in America who aren't Italian, idiot.Fake reporter! You don't need to know a damn thing now my felony is gone. I'm a free man. The particulars of my life are none of your business. Find someone else to clout chase off of bum! I won my case today. Report on that!
We asked if he could document is claim that the case had been dismissed, as the case record cited above does not suggest that charges have been dropped. Mr. Slater replied in a series of emails:
My next court date will confirm I'm not charged with a felony anymore. It's done! Stop going by papers! They don't include what we talk about today because that is what I asked of them! You shouldn't even be involved in my business in the first place! I don't think this is a road you want to go down with me.
Followed by:
You mess with me I will give it right back and my base is bigger than yours. You want a fight on your hands. I'm known for that!
Stay the fuck out of my business.
We thanked him for his reply. He responded in two emails:
Fuck off!
I'm going to post your information to my base!
On Facebook, Mr. Slater also claims in a streaming video that he is free of the felony charges.
We'll be contacting the clerk of the court in the morning to see if his claim is correct. [end update]
Update 5/12, 8:58 Mr. Slater has sent three additional emails:
I'm going to legally destroy you and on social media. I'm telling you now tomorrow I'm filing for a restraining order and if possible an order of protection against you.
600 maple street summit SD 57266 it's public information so I hope you don't mind me sharing it.
I'm going to be watching you like a hawk and if I view any material produced by you thats wrong in the slightest I will sue your ass! MAKE SURE you report accurately because you know I make more Money than you! [end update]
Here's the criminal complaint:
Criminal Complaint: State of Wisconsin vs. Torry Deron Slater uploaded by Sally Jo Sorensen on Scribd
According to the criminal complaint, on the early morning of April 8, Hudson Police Officer Max Berger was called to assist fellow officers Rue and Woodward who were involved in an active fight in the street outside Dick's Bar. The time was approximately 2:36 a.m.
That would put three officers on the street with four folks engaged in an attempt at a fist fight in the street.
As the criminal complaint states, Officer Berger approached Slater and asked him what was going on. Slater "took a fighting stance, clenched his fists and stared..." Slater called the officer a "pussy" "fag" and stated he would beat him up and that Berger didn't know who he was.
As Officer Woodward had thought he had seen a firearm on Slater, Berger handcuffed Slater until the officers located who had a firearm. Slater--who was not carrying a firearm--told Berger that he would "shoot the shit out you" and wouldn't answer whether he was carrying firearm. Slater also told Berger he "was done."
Read the complaint in the embedded document.
In public speaking engagements--most recently in Blooming Prairie--Slater has claimed that he didn't know the police officer was a cop and that a liberal with a gun threatened him. The short skinny version on Facebook on May 7:
. . . fighting a libtard with a firearm and I threatened a cop not knowing he was a cop but another combatant.
We were a bit skeptical about the notion that none of the three officers at the scene in Hudson wore uniforms or identified themselves as officers, especially the fellow placing Slater in handcuffs. In an email response to a query, Hudson Police Chief Geoff Willems wrote: "Yes, all officers on scene were wearing a uniform."
Perhaps if Mr. Slater wants to respect law enforcement, he needs to start seeing officers.
As for the "libtard," here's the complaint against Mr. Paul Vang, who apparently holds a permit to carry but not the sense to stay sober while doing so. There's nothing in the complaint about Vang's politics. He has a status conference on May 12, but the charge is less serious:
Case: 2021CM000222 State of Wisconsin v. Paul Vang uploaded by Sally Jo Sorensen on Scribd
The document includes the detail about Slater threatening Berger, which Officer Woodward also heard.
We contacted Mr. Slater's lawyer for comment on the case but received no answer from the attorney or Mr. Slater. Should we receive a reply, we'll update this post.
We recommend to readers that they avoid engaging in street fights outside bars in Hudson, Wisconsin, whether or not they're carrying or arguing about politics. We also commend the Hudson police officers for doing their jobs without harming Mr. Slater and Mr. Vang.
Unfortunately for Mr. Slater, this episode isn't the first run-in with law enforcement that he's enjoyed in 2021.

The New Brighton episode: an open case of 3rd degree DWI
We first discovered Mr. Slater's February 5 arrest in a synopsis of some of the incidents that occurred in the City of New Brighton during the week of Jan 31 through Feb 6, 2021.
Since the case is an open one, it's not searchable by the defendant's name in the online Minnesota remote court case records access, but we were able to obtain a case number by calling the Ramsey County Court. Here's the criminal complaint, in which Mr. Slater is once again saying disrespectful things to law enforcement officers:
62SU-CR-21-510: State of Minnesota v. Torry Deron Slater by Sally Jo Sorensen on Scribd
Here's a screenshot of the probable cause from the above document, which we believe to be self-explainatory about the disrespect to the officers:

Given the issues with the breath test, we're not surprised that Slater's Minnesota attorney filed a civil case, an implied consent request, case number 62-CV-21-704. Here's the facts from the implied consent petition against the arrest (while we have the document itself, we're not posting the pdf, as it contains personal information that isn't relevant to Slater's conduct toward the New Brighton police officers with whom he dealt):
1. The peace officer did not lawfully stop the Petitioner or, if alreadystopped, did not lawfully detain the Petitioner under the Minnesota and Federal Constitutions.
2. The peace officer did not have reasonable and probable grounds to believe the Petitioner was driving, operating or in physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, or a controlled substance.
3. Petitioner was not, in fact, driving, operating or in physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance.
4. The Petitioner was not lawfully arrested for a violation of Minn. Stat. §169A.20.
5. The Petitioner was not involved in a motor vehicle accident or collision resulting in property damage, personal injury or death.
6. The Petitioner did not refuse to take a screening test as provided for by Minn. Stat. §169A.41.
7. The Petitioner did not record an alcohol concentration of .10 or more on a screening test.
8. The peace officer did not, at the time the test was offered, properly inform the Petitioner of his/her rights, obligations and the consequence of taking or refusing the test as required by Minn. Stat. §169A.51, Subd. 2 and the Minnesota and Federal Constitutions.
9. The peace officer did not properly inform the Petitioner of his/her right to consult with an attorney prior to deciding whether to take the test and/or did not allow Petitioner a reasonable, adequate or appropriate opportunity to consult with an attorney.
10. The results of the test administered to Petitioner are not valid and reliable.
11. The results of the test administered to Petitioner were not accurately evaluated.
12. The instrument used to measure Petitioner’s alcohol concentration was not approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety.
13. That Petitioner did not refuse testing or that the Petitioner had a reasonable basis, under the circumstances, for refusing.
14. Petitioner was prevented or denied the opportunity to obtain an independent test.
15. That Petitioner’s alcohol concentration at the time of testing was the result of post-driving consumption.
16. That the Commissioner has no lawful basis for the cancellation of Petitioner’s driving privileges.
17. That the Commissioner failed to give adequate and/or appropriate notice of the revocation, cancellation and/or disqualification and/or failed to provide the required temporary or hardship license.
18. That the peace officer did not properly certify the information required under Minn. Stat. §169A.52, Subds. 3 & 4 to the Commissioner of Public Safety . . .
Slater's driving privileges have been returned, though the criminal charges are still pending.
About that Chicago Mafia schtick
This is not the first time Slater has claimed he was "Chicago Mafia," although we have found no evidence that he was a member of The Outfit. In some public events and on social media, Slater has claimed that he was a member of a violent street gang and that a sympathic woman judge gave him a second chance.
UPDATE 5/20: Mr. Slater emailed us this morning (5/20) several times about this passage, taking exception to the Chicago Mafia material:
You have 48 hours to pull down your false report of me claiming that I belong to the Chicago mafia or my lawyers are going to pour down a shit storm of legal action on you! I hope you are ready because I had warned you to mind your business. You have 48 hours!
This is a heads up either we solve out of court or we can do it the hard way. Consider this a kind gesture.
Everything that you own will be mine in due time. 48 hours or I am letting my Dogs off the lease.
We offer a transcript of Mr Slater's remarks at a September 12rally at the Minnesota state capitol below, as well as his video of the event below. At the Star Tribune the next day, Katy Read noted Mr Slater's presence in Rally speakers at State Capitol denounce face masks, Black Lives Matter.
Mr. Slater is introduced as a speaker at the 15:43 mark in the video below. Around the 24:03 mark, he says:
Let me tell you something about me. The most powerful about me is my testimony. I come from a Chicago mafia family upbringing. They tried to pound the victimization into me. At a young age. I'm a ex-gang banger, used to sell cocaine, do whatever. I was once of those malcontents.
But let me tell you something. Do you know that it was a white judge who changed my life? She looked into my soul and told me, I can lock you up for 80-plus years right now if I really wanted to. But she said, I believe you are a man of your word. if you give me your word that you will change, I'll grant you a stay of imposition. You do all of the stipulations. You stick with all of the stipulations, I'll work with you. . . .
You know, that woman didn't break her promise. I did everything I was supposed to do. I changed. Because this white woman had grace on me. She taught me more about myself and gave me greater value about my myself than my entire family. Crazy. . . .
The Facebook video:
[end update]
Judging by the disposition of his last serious court case in Minnesota-- 2005's case number 27-CR-05-033443 for terroristic threats--the later statement is true. We've obtained the relevant court documents which involve a death serious threat to a neighbor and an ex-girlfriend (there was an open domestic assault charge at the time of the threats).
A plea was entered, and accepted. The judge asked that he attend domestic abuse counseling, among other conditions.
Slater found God and seems to have been a law-abiding citizen until this year, if his LinkedIn profile is accurate; there's even a stint working for Adult Teen Challenge.
But the claims to being a reformed street gang member and drug dealer--or current Chicago Mafia made man--are not supported by his court case file in Minnesota or Iowa. We thought perhaps that there might be an African-American street gang that used the name out of homage, but email inquiries to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and to the Chicago Police Department about the possibility were not returned.
What has Slater said about this time, other than being a gang member and such?
Elsewhere on Patreon, circa 2018, Slater described his struggle:
Hi. I am living a life starting over from scratch. I was a hardcore alcoholic who was defeated and weak minded. I tortured my self for years until one day I said enough is enough. I am living life in recovery going on five years sober and I want to deliver that message of hope and change to those who are struggling with addiction to let them see a living testament of being redeemed. I left everything I owned to start my life over. I have graduated Bible school and I love making videos about my life offering encouragement and sound advice to people who are stuck in the vicious cycle of addiction...I also expound on my faith, religion, politics and social issues.
We hope that Mr. Slater can return to sobriety.
Update: Anti-capital police statement in January
See correction and apology below.
In D.C. Riots: A Look at the Minnesota Contingent, Niko Georgiades reported:
Slater posted a video online on January 11 saying “Democrats are a terrorist organization” and that the Capitol Police deserved to get injured and killed because they were hurling grenades and macing “patriots."
Perhaps respect for law enforcement means something else for Mr. Slater. [end update]
Update: The final email message:
You lying Bitch! My lawyer just sent this to me and reviewed my video. You blantanly lied on me.
This final message was accompanied by a screenshot of the post with text circled. We have cropped it to the relevant material:

Upon review of the Rumble video embedded below, we quote his exact statement, in which Mr Slater says beginning at the 4:44 minute mark:
I do not not agree with fighting the officers, but the officers are not innocent. They also antagonized the patriots who were standing there peacefully as well too, by hurling frag grenades and also macing patriots.
We apologize for not more deeply scrutinizing Georgiades' paraphrase for Unicorn Riot. While Mr. Slater's statement blames Capitol Police for provoking the violence, he clearly does not say that the officers "deserved to be injured and killed" because of their actions, only that the officers "are not innocent" and by " hurling frag grenades and also macing patriots," they "antagonized the patriots."
Our apologies to Mr. Slater. We retain the original material, a screenshot of which he himself has posted publicly on his Facebook page.
Here's the rumble video:
We hope that Mr. Slater is able to reconcile his private behavior with law enforcement officers who engage him, with his public show of support of them. It's nice to be nice.
Screengrab: Mr. Slater asked for prayers on May 7 for May 12 hearing. How can anyone argue with that?
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