An informative tweet just came across our feed:
The United States military has blocked South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg from moving up in rank due to his role in the death of a pedestrian last year. This comes after Ravnsborg celebrated his pending promotion on social media.
— Arielle Zionts (@Ajzionts) May 4, 2021
By @Argus_Joe
Joe Sneve reports in Army Reserve stops Attorney General Ravnsborg's military promotion due to criminal case:
The United States military has blocked South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg from moving up in rank due to his role in the death of a pedestrian last year.
Ravnsborg last month announced via social media he'd been placed on a list of Army Reservists to be promoted, going from his current rank of lieutenant colonel to a full colonel. But the promotion has since been flagged and will not move ahead for confirmation in the U.S. Senate until criminal charges facing Ravnsborg are resolved, a spokesman for the U.S. Army Reserve told the Argus Leader Monday.
"Soldiers pending investigation by civilian law enforcement authorities and/or civilian criminal proceedings may still be eligible for selection for promotion, but the Army Reserve retains discretion regarding actual promotion," said Lt. Col. Simon Blake, a top public information officer with the United States Army Reserve. "In this case, relevant Army Reserve leaders will monitor the ongoing civilian proceedings and make further decisions at the appropriate time." . . .
Read the rest at the Argus Leader.
It's not justice for Joe Boever, but it's something.
Related posts:
- Boever death: Ravnsborg didn't see face coming through glass, flashlight like beacon in grass
- Ravnsborg's lawyer enters not guilty plea; South Dakota Attorney General not present in court
- Joe Boever was killed, but Ravnsborg's attorney claims client suffering is the worst thing ever
- Justice for Joe Boever: Governor Noem calls for AG Ravnsborg's resignation; articles of impeachment filed in South Dakota House
- Attorney General Ravnsborg charged with 3 misdemeanors in crash that killed Joe Boever
- Twitter memorials: 5 months ago, South Dakota Attorney General Ravnsborg killed Joe Boever
- Daily Beast: Ravnsborg killed a man. Family members fear Joe Boever has been forgotten
- Sioux Falls Argus Leader: Noem supports using grand jury to speed up Ravnsborg killing probe
- States attorneys looking into killing of Joseph Boever by AG Ravnsborg not talking to Noem
- Rapid City Journal: After 4 months, still no decision on whether AG Ravnsborg will be charged for killing Joseph Boever
- AP: Prosecutors waiting on debris testing in SD Attorney General killing of Joseph Boever
- Governor Kristi Noem takes off her positive pants, given pace of Ravnsborg investigation
- Well, that's illuminating: South Dakota Highway Patrol’s accident report on Boever killing
- South Dakota News Watch: Crash experts question Ravnsborg’s car-deer explanation
- SD News Watch: State's criminal & civil traffic laws favor drivers over pedestrians in collisions
- UPDATED: Joe Boever's tragic death on Hwy 14: news digest about Ravnsborg's fatal accident
Photo: Ravnsborg's Taurus, via Rapid City Journal. From the New York Times' transcription:"“We know that his face came through your windshield,” one investigator said. The vehicle also had an imprint from at least part of the man’s body on the hood, an investigator said, adding that “at some point he rolls off and slides into the ditch.”
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