Via Dakota Free Press's Ravnsborg Settles Boever’s Wrongful Death Lawsuit, we learn of Todd Epp's story at KELO radio, Boever’s widow, AG Ravnsborg settle wrongful death lawsuit:
Joe Boever’s widow Jenny has settled her wrongful death lawsuit with Attorney General.
That’s according to her lawyer, Matthew Tysdal, from Sioux Falls.
The settlement terms are not disclosed.
Tysdal tells News that “The parties will not have further comment, and Mrs. Boever requests that her privacy be respected going forward.”
Ravnsborg struck and killed Boever while Boever was walking on the shoulder of the highway at night in Hyde County last September.
Writing for the Forum Communications chain, Christopher Vondracek reported Wednesday in Widow strikes confidential settlement with South Dakota AG Jason Ravnsborg in fatal crash:
. . .Ravnsborg struck Joe Boever with his state-issued vehicle on the evening of Sept. 12, 2020, west of Highmore, South Dakota, while Boever walked along the roadside.
Last month, Ravnsborg pleaded no contest to two misdemeanor unsafe driving charges. Boever's widow, Jennifer, broke her nearly year-long silence at the courtroom in Fort Pierre that day, calling Ravnsborg's actions "reckless," arguing she'd been sent into depression since her husband's death, and fanning more expectations that she and her attorney would file litigation against the AG.
Sioux Falls trial attorney Scott Heidepriem disclosed to media in February that he'd been hired to represent Boever.
On Wednesday, neither Ravnsborg's personal spokesman nor the attorney who represented him in the criminal proceeding immediately responded to inquiries for comment on the settlement.
Ravnsborg faces impeachment by the South Dakota legislature and Governor Kristi Noem has called for his resignation.
Related posts:
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- South Dakota legislators call for special session to ponder impeaching state attorney general
- Associated Press: Top lawmakers release Ravnsborg impeachment petition for special session
- Justice for Joe Boever: news about Ravnsborg impeachment; Jackley's campaign for office
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- A Friday of headlines in the life of South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg
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- Is anyone pleased with SD AG Jason Ravnsborg plea deal other than Team Ravnsborg?
- Remember Joe Boever: AP reports South Dakota AG Ravnsborg objects to cameras at his trial
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- Justice for Joe Boever: Governor Noem calls for AG Ravnsborg's resignation; articles of impeachment filed in South Dakota House
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- Twitter memorials: 5 months ago, South Dakota Attorney General Ravnsborg killed Joe Boever
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- AP: Prosecutors waiting on debris testing in SD Attorney General killing of Joseph Boever
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- Well, that's illuminating: South Dakota Highway Patrol’s accident report on Boever killing
- South Dakota News Watch: Crash experts question Ravnsborg’s car-deer explanation
- SD News Watch: State's criminal & civil traffic laws favor drivers over pedestrians in collisions
- UPDATED: Joe Boever's tragic death on Hwy 14: news digest about Ravnsborg's fatal accident
Photo: Ravnsborg's Taurus, via Rapid City Journal. From the New York Times' transcription:"“We know that his face came through your windshield,” one investigator said. The vehicle also had an imprint from at least part of the man’s body on the hood, an investigator said, adding that “at some point he rolls off and slides into the ditch.”
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