Readers interested in learning the latest information about Chronic Wasting Disease and its detection in Minnesota should tune in to watch a Zoom live on Tuesday, September 14 at 10 a.m.
From Representative Rick Hansen's September 7 Legislative Update email; Hansen chairs the Minnesota House Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee:
The House Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee is holding a hearing on chronic wasting disease (CWD) next week. I encourage you to tune in if you’re interested in hearing the latest information about the disease and efforts to stop it from spreading. You can watch the hearing live on Tuesday, September 14 at 10 a.m. or view it later on House Public Information Services’ YouTube channel.
The agenda and documents are posted on the committee's webpage. Here's the agenda:
- Update on Chronic Wasting Disease Efforts
• Dr. Peter Larsen, Minnesota Center for Prion Research and Outreach
• Michelle Carstensen, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
• David Benke, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
• Christian Balzer, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
• Dr. Beth Thompson, Board of Animal Health
• Dr. Linda Glaser, Board of Animal Health
Public Testimony
• Patrick Boyle, Commissioner, St. Louis County
• Keith Nelson, Commissioner, St. Louis County
• Kevin Dupuis, Chairman of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
• Brad Gausman, Minnesota Conservation Federation and CWD Action
• Matt Lee, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Documents on the agenda:
- Larsen U of M Presentation - 9/13/2021
- Larsen U of M Handouts - 9/13/2021
- DNR/MPCA CWD Presentation - 9/13/2021
- Board of Animal Health Presentation - 9/13/2021
- Board of Animal Health Handout - 9/13/2021
- CWD Action Coalition Letter - 9/13/2021
- Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Letter - 9/13/2021
- Bluffland Whitetails Association Letter - 9/13/2021
- St. Louis County Resolution - 9/13/2021
We'll be processing our garden harvest tomorrow and thinking about concocting the perfect sauce for venison while we tune in. My grandmother couldn't tune in Zoom meetings years ago when she taught me how to can vegetables in southern Minnesota years ago, but then, she didn't have to worry about the wild deer herd sickening.
Related posts:
- MN DNR press release: Return to mandatory testing in chronic wasting disease zones this season
- South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks: CWD detected in mule deer in new area, Perkins County
- UMN MNPRO’s latest research detects CWD prions in cervid muscles using RT-QuIC
- MNReformer Radio podcast interviews Jamie Becker-Finn on Chronic Wasting Disease politics
- Listen to MN House environment committee chair Rep. Rick Hansen talk CWD on Matt McNeil Show
- Special Board of Animal Health meeting to review farmed Cervidae rulemaking postponed
- Bad news from the North: CWD sweeps through Alberta & Saskatchewan deer & elk herds
- Forum News Service: MN Deerhunters Association wants to end deer farming
- Just in: House DFL Lawmakers urge resignation of Minnesota Board of Animal Health President
- Star Tribune: Deer farming and "CWD-infested dump site on public land" in Beltrami County
- Are deer farmers posing against MN DNR rule pausing movement of captive whitetails?
- MN DNR temporarily bans movement of farmed whitetails in state to protect wild deer health
- 5 more MN deer farm herds exposed to CWD; Beltrami carcass dump site inquiry continues
- News release: U of M testing finds presence of CWD prions at Beltrami Co. carcass dump site
- BAH: Southern Minnesota CWD investigation identifies new infection in Beltrami County
- Concerned about CWD in MN deer? Learn about new research from MNPRO's Peter Larsen
- Some of the science at the center of Update on Chronic Wasting Disease Efforts hearing
- VIDEO: MNHouse passes bill for process to extend funding for ENRTF projects for one year
- Session Daily: Experts want to study how CWD flows in state's waterways
- Sen. Andrew Lang seems behind the curve on current funding & progress of CWD test research
- VIDEO: University of Minnesota scientists share CWD research, search for test with lawmakers
- Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund plan from U of M for CWD diagnostic test
- Peter Larsen slideshow: Development of Advanced Diagnostic Tests for CWD by U of M
Photo: A wild white-tailed buck.
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